Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Where Our Country Would Now Be Headed Under Hillary

Under Hillary we would be headed in the same direction Obama has taken us. Right now corporations are paying 44% on taxes. Hillary would have increased that in trying to find funds to increase revenue for entitlements. President-elect Trump is lowering that to 33% taxes on corporations, loosening the bind put upon them by our government. Once in place this will be an incentive for corporations to hire and increase productivity, and to aid in purchasing more goods they need to build their businesses.

Knowing his end is near Obama wants to place a federal regulation baring states from defunding Planned Parenthood and other abortion providers. Announced the Friday before Labor Day the HHS rule would bar states from denying Planned Parenthood millions of dollars in Title X family planning funds.

Since 2011, 13 states placed restriction on sub-awards with specific types of providers.                       "We've known all along that the Obama administration will go to untold lengths to protect it's friends  in the big abortion industry." Congresswoman Diane Black R-TN. "After all this administration has used back door maneuvers to line Planned Parenthood's pockets with Obama Care navigator grants and praised the abortion providers 'high ethical standard' even after it was caught trafficking in baby body parts".

Now they have taken the unprecedented step of thwarting states rights with a shady proposed rule change that prevents states from funding the providers who will best serve their citizens.

Look for other moves from the Obama administration in it's last days to pass rules and funds underhandedly to their friends in high places. He no longer has Hillary to count on. But there are still many out there he can count on.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Hillary Wishes Trump To Be Successful

Tim Kaine, Hillary's running mate speaks for Hillary on her building of her team. Hillary's supporters are hurting as most supporters would be after such a hard fought election. Hillary's theme was empowering families and children. Hillary speaks and there are tears in her eyes, the glass ceiling is not broken. Hillary first words are  "I hope he will be successful." She speaks of the painfulness of the loss. "Our country is more divided that we thought" she says.

I write these words because one of our biggest concerns should be about the division in our country. We need a healing in our country. How can our country continue without the lessening of these divisions. Our country needs and must start functioning together. The old adage "United we stand and divided we fall remains true." There needs to be a coming together. Are we not One Nation Under God?

Our country is on it's knees. We are broke, we are out of work, we are suffering as we have never suffered in this generation before. It is  time for us to come together.

Last night I liked Trumps humility. I liked his message. He won because the people felt a need for change. He won the hearts of the people by a message no one else had. He saw the need.

We need to rebuild relationships once again with foreign countries, even Putin sent a message to meet with Trump. And we can never forget our friends in Israel.

This is my hope for America, To be once again the America we have come to know and love. To become a leader in manufacturing and also world trade. To become the America where it is safe for children to run and play. There is a big job ahead and our future depends on it. To make America the America we once were.

God Bless America

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Hillary's America - To Remove The Sins Of A Corporate World

Hillary has not spoken  about her theory of a "vast right wing conspiracy." This concept came from a youth minister who came to her church. Not only did he teach about a group of people who were perceived as the enemies of progressives, he opened her eyes to a larger sphere. Even a world where atheist's denied the "existence of God." He believed in a Christianity that taught major fallacies. He brought forth a much purer form of religion, that of a man named Karl Marx. For two years he indoctrinated his pupils and Hillary soaked it in.

Hillary believes in the sins of corporations need to be cleansed by the government. That corporations should be run by the government. That profits from those businesses must be given to the people. She has clearly stated this in her campaign speeches. She also believes in a Marxist teaching in a government that raises the children.

Along with corporations she believes private businesses should be controlled by the government. She will be Obama's equal in that while he went after medicine she will go after business. She clearly explained at the Convention that she would use the Supreme Court to write laws to tax the corporations. To do this means serious changes in or American system.

These teachings that lie within her are early Marxist teachings against a free Enterprise system the was taught needs reform even to the point of revolution.

Hillary's America will resemble nothing to the America we Love and Respect.

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Robin Hood Hillary's America

Beware of an America with Robin Hood Hillary as head. The supreme court would fall into the hands of the progressives. Hillary says she will have this court to write laws. This is a way she could get around the process in congress. Guess she doesn't know there is three parts to our government. She will write laws concerning corporations. Like Obama went after medicine, she will go after the corporations. She says she will take the profits of the corporations and give the money to entitlements. Robin Hood Hillary will take from the rich and give to the poor. Problem is Hillary, after 8 years with Obama many of our corporations are fighting to stay alive.  In fact Hillary with your zeal to go after the corporations you could wipe out some businesses and the surplus they needed for the new year will now have been taken to grow their company.

Guess we don't learn our lessons very well. In 1948 Roosevelt tried the same thing. He took the corporation's profits, to help his New Deal. What happened? It plunged our country into the worst depression we have seen so far.  With our economy deep in debt could she plunge us even deeper? Is this the future picture of Robin Hood Hillary's America.

Government take over of medicine has crippled our medical system. And now the dragon fly will dip into her Obama Koolaid and take over our private businesses that people have spent their lifetime and money to build. 

Both Medicine and businesses need to be left free to operate on their own. Over regulating our business's has brought us to where we are.  A simple definition of socialism is the government take over of business. Yet every time it is tried it has failed.

Capitalism is what has built this great nation.  We must not let Robin Hood Hillary's socialistic ideas take over this country.

Monday, September 26, 2016

Hillary Calls for Christians To Give Up On Abortion

Yes, Hillary calls upon Christians to give up on abortions. After all, in her thinking she is going to win and we don't have to worry anymore about these troublesome Christians fighting for right to life. But I really wonder Hillary would you have wanted Chelsea to give up your granddaughter? Or do these rules apply to others but not yours? We have been at the present on a average of 1,000,000 abortions a year. It is estimated that about 34 million babies have been given no right to come here since Roe Vs. Wade. We have taken away a generation of people. A generation that could now be working and paying into Social Security. A generation that never rode a bicycle, flew a kite, or saw a sunset. Even though there is an alternative, women could go to safe housing until their children are born and giving the mother a right to keeping her child or adoption.

The progressives are even calling for abortions to be done until birth, The time we call them in our society a person. Forgetting that they are people at the time of conception according to our heavenly Father. And even some calling for a time when children can be taken up to 2 years of birth.

This woman who wants to break the ceiling is not the person people realize. She has fallen into the hands of the far left. The only way to stop her is not to vote for her. And to not fall into this group of people who have no respect for life. The most precious thing God has given us is life.

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

A Heavy Stone Is On Our Back

I will give credit to Hillary for becoming the first woman to receive the nomination for the Democratic party for the presidency.

However, our country is in pretty bad shape. If you think it can't any worse, it will under Hillary.

Right now people are working two jobs and still have trouble making it. Our economy after 8 years under Obama is ready to break. Corporations are loosing stores. We have cut back on workers and payrolls have reached their limits.

We have an 800 billion dollar trade deficit. It is as if a heavy stone was on our back. We are a nation steeped in debt.

The real question is how much Obama's Kool aid has Hillary swallowed. In other words how much is she going to follow his example.

If you will remember at first the Clinton's were far removed from Obama. President Clinton even at times showing destain for him. And now they are bosom buddies?

Under Obama problems have over whelmed our country. Last night, at 12:00 midnight a mother of two, a two year old and a five year old, was shot and killed in the city of Chicago. This is tragic and yet it continues almost on a regular basis. The five year's old birthday is today. But the little one has no mother today. Chicago has become a nightmare of killings and shootings, even by the police.

Many fear Hillary, by some of the things she has said, will remove all guns away to try to solve the problem. However, the bad one's will still have the guns.

We have executive orders that were made for laws already made, not to make new laws. The Supreme Court is even making laws.

It is as though the country has become the law in itself. Like the Bible said, "Each man did that which was right in his own eyes."

With all this going on a woman said at the convention yesterday We are so thankful for all the President has done???

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Not Voting For Donald Trump Is A Yes Vote For Hillary

My apologies for not writing. I have been ill for many months. I will try to keep writing until the election.

Where to start? The most important - The Republicans have chosen a candidate in whom they feel is the best for our time.

I understand this is not everyone's choice. But, here is what I feel, not voting for Trump will be a yes vote for Hillary. My question is can we take another four more years of a continuation of the Obama Doctrines?

Bernie Saunders said something yesterday that that scares me and I hope you agree also "We have put together the most progressive platform of the Democratic Party"  Which means Hillary may go even further left than Obama. When Bernie mentioned Hillary's name last night there were many boos from his followers. Bernie has now created something he now can do nothing about. And don't fool yourselves he has been instructing them about socialism. Bernie is fooling you when he uses the word democracy. He teaches that this kind of socialism is different than the kind your parents know. He is a true socialist.

Secondly, we will not only be getting Hillary we will have Bill to contend with also. This will become a dual presidency. They have been waiting patiently to get back in the White House. In 2012, Bill was pressing Hillary to run against Obama. For weeks they argued and Hillary stood her ground. She would not run against Obama. But, there is nothing to hold her back now!!

Using the glass ceiling as one of her reasons for running she has fooled many women. In speaking with them, they have told me it is a woman's turn for the White House.

However, in questioning them, many have no other reason to vote for her. In fact they know nothing about her and her underhanded ways. It is not enough to vote for someone just because you want a woman in the presidency. One must learn about the candidate and what they stand for.

Hillary is cunning, deceitful, and down right crooked. We used to call her husband the Teflon kid and she has been taking notes.

You think the Obama years have been oppressive just wait for Hillary. She and Bill are two of a kind!!

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Pope Francis says Trump "Is Not Christian"

Trumps response - "The Pope will wish I was President if ISIS attacks."  The Pope was responding to Trump's calling for deportation of undocumented immigrants and pledges to build a wall between the United States and Mexico. Pope Francis urged the United States to address the "humantarian crises" on it's southern border.

What the Pope needs to understand we have a crisis here in America of people being denied benefits simply because we cannot afford to feed all these people here in the states needing help. Here in Chicago we have people waiting to get food stamps since the middle of December to be reinstated for their food stamps they have been receiving.

American's cannot keep feeding, schooling, and providing medical help for people who are here illegally. An old saying the buck stops here and literally we are reaching a point where we are out of provision even to take care of our own.

Trump also adds - the government in Mexico, has made many disparaging remarks about me to the Pope. 

The reality is American's are beginning to ask why are we helping all these countries when we are a bankrupt government. Where is this money coming from? I think the world thinks we are the food basket of the world. But we are struggling like everyone else. It's not that we don't care, but we have to be more realistic on how much more we can do. And Trump is just calling out that we have to be more realistic about how much can we do.

We have to protect the homeland first. Our people are struggling and we must concern ourselves with taking care of our own.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

One Thing I Agree With Trump - Building The Wall

Since 1980 we have talked about building this wall. This wall that has become almost a joke in that a chain link fence obviously does not work. Because they break through and it is literally sewn together. Even with the wall being held by cameras they still get through. Nothing seems to work. But have you ever seen the wall Israel built? It is massive and holds the enemy back. Many people told Israel don't build the wall, but they would not listen. They needed security for their country.

The kind of security we need. Our porous border is open to all kinds of people coming through including ISIS. People who get here live off the system, we feed their children, pay for schooling and even health care. It takes jobs from our own people.It's literally breaking our backs to keep letting these people in.

This is where Israel's example really shines through. Once the wall was built their country was more secure, even children could get on school buses without living in fear.
It stabilized their country, and gave them control they needed.

We are out of control stopping people from coming through. Once Israel's wall was built
the bloodshed ceased, not all but it is now much safer in Israel.

We are open to attacks, they haven't happened yet but is is coming. It is believed there are over 100 ISIS cells in America.

We could get a better handle on our economy, and not have this constant undertow pulling us under, submitting us to terrorists and other enemies coming in.

The time is now to build the wall and secure our borders. All the candidates should be supporting this. Whoever wins this is a must for our country's security and growth.