Sunday, February 27, 2011

President Failing Leadership Towards Lybia

The President is missing a great opportunity to show leadership by not supporting these Libyans who want freedom. We have the means to go in there and stop this blood shed. These sanctions only hurt the Libyans more. Not only that if the gas prices go higher he will injure us and the entire world. It would be better to go in there and remove him from power. How many more Libyans are going to give their lives? And if Gaddafi gets control there will be a massacre of people who have fought in this battle. Literally, you could say the blood is on Obama's hands everyday he waits to make a decision which looks like right now nothing is going to happen.

Friday, February 25, 2011

The United Notions

Years ago we had an old evangelist who came to our church once a year. You would think one so old would not be up on end times. But this man knew bible prophecy and especially the subject of Israel and coming events. His entire sermon was usually on the middle east. He used to say, keep your eyes on the middle east. That's were all the action will be. How true he was as almost everyday we see countries from the middle east on television. It would be interesting to hear him now, but he has gone on before. We could use his wisdom and judgement.

I am sure Obama is listening to all of his advisers. but after the advisers are done, every president sits there alone with the decision that has to be made. He has a hard decision right now. Everyday we see the turmoil in Libya and other countries around it. How much more we can watch of this blood shed I don't know. I only know innocent people are dying on the streets.

It's easy to go to the UN. But the UN doesn't always have the answer as President  Bush faced. Of course it was controversial. But he came to the conclusion all the sanctions and other deterrents didn't make much difference to the enemy.

Brother Elby as we called him,  he would say the United Nations has a notion. They have a notion to do something but that is as far as it gets. So he called the United Nations the United Notions.

In the case of Libya, allowing them to go back under Gadafi would be dangerous and life threatening. Just to put sanctions on them would only harm the ones who want freedom. If the President takes this choice, which he probably will, it will leave the Libyans in worse situation than before the revolt.

Because he will have a notion to do something, but doesn't really do it.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

When Will They Ever Learn? When Will They Ever Learn?

People are like sheep, Jesus said, and sheep get easily led astray. And the sheep are following a new shepherd, Rahm Emanuel. They are ecstatic on the streets of Chicago today and singing the praises of Ralm. I on the otherhand believe that the people of Obama's back yard have suffered the most under his Presidency. And yet they are still blindly thinking that he is helping them.

There are those of us however with our eyes open and see the problems he has created and many worsened by his administration. There is only one conclusion Rahm will come to, he must raise taxes to fix the problem's. The people will suffer more and have less out of pocket monies to spend.

Our gas in Chicago is one of the highest in the nation and city tax is highest in the country. Our infrastructure is a shambles, our streets are nothing but potholes since the hard winter. We don't have enough police on the streets. And yet our aldermen receive a large salary for a part time job. The unions control the city and Rahm is in the middle of their palm.

All Democrats really know to do is tax and spend. It really is as simple as that. They know nothing else. Chicago is in for a rough ride and I am in the middle of it.

When will they ever learn?

Monday, February 14, 2011

He Brought Me Yellow Baby Roses..

This is my first Valentines Day without my husband. Another milestone. As much as you try not to let it bother you, it does.  I went to thee Dr's today because last Wednesday I had a car accident.   My neck is very sore. The Dr. doesn't think anything is broken, but the muscles are inflamed and swollen. Some of it is whip lash and some of it is fibromyalgia. Coming home I had to go to the pharmacy which is in the grocery store. I was doing OK until I saw the men buying flowers. I just wanted to get out of the store. When I arrived home my daughter had brought me flowers. One of the bouquets is of baby roses. Some are pink, but a few are yellow baby roses. A mistake? I don't think so. On our first date my husband brought me yellow baby roses. I have never told this to my children.

Just recently I found pictures of our first date. So many things I forget, but not our first date. I was tired of high school boys. My youth director asked if I would like to go to a formal banquet at the Bible College. It sounded interesting to me, so I said yes.  He would find me a date, a blind date. Actually, he had someone in mind.

I didn't have much money as I had left home at 16. I lived with my Pastor, his wife, and family. Someone in the church had a beautiful yellow formal dress. I tried it on. It fit perfectly. My youth director asked this young man and he said, yes. The youth director came to me and said the young man wanted to know the color of my dress.

The day drew near and I thought, what a dumb thing to do, go on a blind date. I thought I really should back out. My youth director was alarmed and said he thought I really would like this man. I finally decided to see it through.

They came to the house and entered our living room and we were introduced. Much later, my husband said he was quite taken by me. He said I was too beautiful for him. This did not show on his face that night. In his hand was a corsage of yellow baby roses. It was the kind of corsage you could wear on your wrist or on your dress. I do not remember how I wore it. After all this was 43 years ago. We went to the Harvest Festival and we talked the entire night through. He was a ministerial student. I really didn't think much about this. Later, after we entered the ministry I realized we should have thought more about this.

After this we had many more dates and more baby roses, always yellow. He also brought me funny cards. These were very popular in the sixties. I still have many of those cards he brought to me on dates.

I looked at the baby roses my daughter brought me. I have never told my children about the yellow roses that Dad had brought me on special dates. In fact, I look back and there are many things I haven't shared with them.

But,  I will always remember the yellow roses. God Bless, my husband and wait for me. Happy Valentines Day

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Obama Once Again Fails 3:00 AM Call

Remember during the election of  2008 the question of who would respond best in the case of a 3:00AM call? Once again Obama got the call and once again he fails. In the past 18 days one of the biggest calls for freedom erupted amongst the people of Egypt. Did it just happen? No there were warning signs that the people were not happy. Social networking helped in the mix as younger Egyptians, many out of work, finally made the call to revolt.

But the way the Obama administration handled the situation was not only poor, it aggravated the people and increased more anger. The bungling started with Vice President Biden not even calling Mubarak a dictator, and continued as Obama reached the point were he makes an open call for Mubarak to step down. All of this should have been handled behind the scenes. When Obama did this it angered the people and made them feel like America was against them. Not only did it upset the Egyptians but the entire middle-east now feels that we will abandon them also.  The countries now say if you were Egypt's friend and you turned against them you will do the same to us. America has lost the trust of these counties. They feel America is no longer their friend and Israel feels they have no friends at all. They feel alone.

Not only did Obama fail the call he damaged what previous administrations have spent years building. Whoever our next President is it is going to take time to rebuild  our relations with these countries, as they go behind Obama and try to pick up the pieces.

Obama fails again.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The Flashy Smile - Obama

One of the things I dislike the most is the President's flashy smile. He used it on Sunday through much of his interview with Bill O'Reilly. You say, "Oh now they are even criticizing the way he smiles". I look at it not as a smile but more of a I gotcha fooled smile. Because behind that smile he's mind is running as to whether this is a catch question or not. Most of the questions were forth right and, not to through a monkey wrench in, so O'Reilly could get as many questions answered as possible. Obama has a way of taking a question and running with it to use up the time. But behind that smile is a lot of deceit and lies. O'Reilly did ask him point blank if he believed in redistribution. "NO", he said.  On this question Obama downright lied.  Once again the flashy smile. Repeatedly he has tried to get through programs to redistribute the monies, making everything fair. My mother used to say life is not fair Marna, if someone down the block gets a new house doesn't mean you will.

O'Reilly asked him another point blank question about health care if it were taken down and failed. Obama only said he would be OK if he got previous condition in. I doubt that is the only thing he is concerned about in health care, and once again the flashy smile.

Then the big question of the day O'Reilly asked about the Muslim Brotherhood. Obama refused to admit they are a dangerous terrorist movement. How could he when for the last two years he has been trying to convince them they are not our enemy.  We know he has two sides, the one he presents to us and the one working behind the scenes. He is daily dealing with the Muslim Brotherhood as the chaos continues in Egypt.

Although O'Reilly did ask him some pretty hard questions he gives the impression of softpeddaling him. Perhaps he feels this is the best way to get the most out of Obama.  I do get a  little frustrated with him that he doesn't just lay into him. After all the man has almost demolished our economy and leaving a big mess to his predecessor. Not to mention us paying for all of it.

The flashy smile doesn't fool me anymore.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Blizzard of 2011

What we woke up to wednesday morning.

I think that is my Intrepid.

Our front yard.

Our back yard.

8:00 am the next morning Feb 3rd

How would you like to shovel through that?

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The Danger of the Muslim Brotherhood

In Mubarak naming Omar Suleiman as Vice President has only deepened the problem in Egypt.  Suleiman will use his connection with the Egyptian Army to come down on the Egyptians. President Obama stepping in has created a bigger problem, as the people do not what Mubarak to stay in the country nor anyone connected to him.  In this environment of conflict and chaos it keeps open the door for the Muslim Brotherhood.  They are an extremely dangerous group that has had many terrorists who have come out of it. In this situation the people are not going to want to wait until September for elections. They want freedom now.

Many have said they will be on the streets until Mubarak leaves town and his friends. The longer there is turmoil and unrest the Muslim Brotherhood will be at hand to get their foot in the door. The scary part about this group is, Our President. As of late Washington is giving the appearance that we no longer value the relationships with our friends, especially Britain and Israel.  And he is reaching out to this group of dangerous people.  During his 2009 visit to Cairo he went out of his way to invite Muslim Brotherhood members of Egypt's parliament to attend his speech. The Brotherhood has penetrated the parliament with about 20% of the body.  Muslim Brotherhood does not consider Hamas and Hezbollah to be terrorist organizations.  Over the past two years the White House has been trying to convince the Muslim Brotherhood that they no longer considered them an enemy.

This is an incorrect statement as the brotherhood has produced may terrorists. And had a part in the assassination of Sadat. In 1979 the brotherhood became an enemy of  Sadat because he signed a peace agreement with Israel in 1979. He was assassinated by an Islamist group Tanzum al-Jihad on October 6, 1981.

The brotherhood also believes strongly in Shariah law and of forming a large union around the world. Don't listen to the liberals who say the Brotherhood is not a problem. They are dangerous and they are not going to go away.