Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Romney Looked Calm, Cool and Collected

Romney had the appearance of a president from the beginning, while Obama looked like the student.  He showed that the policies of Obama have not been as a leader, but as the absent commander-in chief, calling Obama's presidential campaign an apology tour.

The reason Romney took this form was to not give the appearance of a war hawk, that so many have given of the Republican party. The form Obama took was to make Romney look bad and appear like he was a good foreign leader. In form he looked good, in reality his foreign policies have failed.

Romney spoke on Libya of having a comprehensive plan to overcome extremism. "The key is to have a pathway to get Middle East countries to reject extreme Islam themselves," Romney said. We have an opportunity in Syria, Iran's only ally, with removal of Assad. He also spoke that countries don't trust us now and perceive us as unreliable to come to their aid. Do they really trust us to be there if they need us?

If you want a real expose' of Obama's foreign policy look at Benhazi, which happened September 11th, 2012 and we still don't have answers.

On the statement Romney made that we have fewer ships than in 1916, the president's one good line ""we also have fewer horses and bayonets" is backfiring on him because marines still use bayonets and are calling him out. Donald Rumsfeld said this morning, the fact that we are deminishing in our war ships is serious business.

Romney again came in on him about the need to keep our friendship with Israel and that the president didn't visit Israel once in four years.

 One of the president's statements recently made on his foreign policy is "It hasn't gotten worse." Mr president we have no allies now who trust us, how we are perceived in the world is much different than when you took office. Do countries now perceive us as reliable? Do they trust us to be there if they need us? It's going to take a long time for the world to respect us again.

The need for foreign policy being corrected is important, but many still believe it's the economy that will be the main thrust of the 2012 vote. As James Carville has recently restated "It's the economy, stupid." Also, last night, some would have liked some discussion about the European Union. Other's are regretting that Fast and Furious wasn't mentioned.

The entire campaign now comes to those swing states. Ohio is of course the main target. If Romney wins Ohio he needs only one other swing state to win. Romney is now edging ahead in Florida with Romney 48.4% to Obama's 46.6%. A recent national head to head poll was Romney 47% to Obama's 47%. Last night's debate probably had little effect on the undecided voter, who many still remain undecided.

This election comes down to the day when they walk in the booth and pull the lever, well used to be the lever, and make their final decision. It will be a 'who can they trust decision?' Can they trust a president who has driven our country into deep debt, left for our children and grandchildren to pay? A president who has turned away from our allies? A president who has made so many regulations the small businessman is choking to death? Or can they trust a man who has been a proven winner in creating jobs? A man from all accounts is respected and has high integrity.To me the decision is clear. I choose a winner. A man that stands for right and wrong. That's were my vote goes.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

The Boxing Match Was On Romney Vs Obama

I had the impression from the beginning by the way the questions where read it seemed a concerned audience. The questions seemed as though they were from a negative view. The first came from a 20 year old college student and was very direct. He threw the first volley at Obama. "I am a college student working three jobs," directed straight at Obama "I have had little opportunity for employment." Obama answered I am glad you are continuing with your studies and I have  increased  government loans. And I personally have been happy about that but Romney hit the nail on the head when he told the student that under Obama college kids have more in debt and had less work. Obama went on to explain he would change the tax code to help small businesses to create jobs. He must be taking lessons from Romney, but my question why hasn't he done this already to take the burden off small businessmen? Romney continued on that  "the President's policies have been exercised for the last four years and have not worked."

And that is how the evening kept going with Romney and Obama taking one blow to the other over and over. Some say there was too much contention, but others, especially men said they like the heavy hitting. And at times it was up close and personal with evading one another's air space. Another questioner, an African American was pretty blunt, "I voted for you and it has been rough." Obama continued in his usual defence of being handed a bad deal but that we are beginning to climb out of it. There also was an assault gun question, and both candidate's answered to their party lines with Obama wanting more banns which I read today now he is going to do something. More than likely an executive order to pass soon for the women voters. Romney answered his usual we have enough laws, they need to be enforced. But had also bought up the problem of children's home lives needing to improve to stop the situation. And I hardily agree.

At times it was serious, at times humorous, but the battle continued without either giving up. Some say Obama won and others say Romney won in substance. Romney went after China on their currency manipulation allowing tariffs. And one of the lines of the evening Obama slamming Romney "your the last one to get tough on China" One of my favorite phrases of the evening trickle-down government by Romney.

Romney tried to drive home his five point plan, energy independence, increase even trade, balance the budget, fixing learning programs for work, and championing small businesses. Obama came back with Romney doesn't have a five point plan. He has a one point plan, he went on to explain, a plan for the rich being exempt from Obama's 20% across the board cut.  But Obama pushed his points too hard and Romney finally came back asking Obama about his pension plan, that Obama had the same type investments overseas as Romney....Guess he's had it with that.

Finally the woman question came up on equal pay and I wish she had mentioned that even with the passing of the Bettty Leadbetter Bill women are still making 72% of a man's income, even in the White House. This gave Romney the advantage to mention that 580,000 women lost jobs the last four years. That under Obama 31/2 million more women are in poverty.

The saddest mention last night was that America is not number 1 in manufacturing, China is. Romney said we need to cut down on outsourcing, that 1/2 million manufacturing jobs have gone off shore.

Charles Krathhammer: "It was like a boxing match." On Obama "He didn't even try to answer the questions." It was clear that these two don't like each other very much. Some of the looks on Obama's face showed he was not amused by Romney's comments.

Of course we knew Benghazi would come up. The key words being from the Rose Garden the following day of the attack Obama said "no acts of terrorism" and Romeny picked up on this. He was corrected by Crowley who later that night said that Romney was right. Crowley also repeatedly stopped Romney from finishing his points. It did seem at times one sided. Romney had 40.58 minutes to Obama's 43.47. Many have said Romney should have gone after the timeline of the two weeks following Benghazi when he went on the View on Sept 25th and at the UN he mentioned the video 6X's. As one put it the President got caught. Sununu said "the President lives in his own world, "it was an act of negligence." Sununu continued, "the president knew because he watched it that night by video."

In my estimation the President was on defence most of the night, Romney seemed forceful, on the offence. articulate and had more substance. It's hard to run on a nothing record. The best quote of the evening for me "we don't have to live like this."

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

The Town Hall Debate - Round Three

Tonight's debate is in the setting of a town hall which was initiated as part of the presidential debates in 1992 by Clinton, Bush #1 and Ross Perrot. Today Ross Perrot gave his indorsement to Romney stating that the country could not take another four years of Obama.

Some prefer this debate as the questions are usually more personal issues and not usually questions journalist's are interested in. People are concerned about taxes, health care, jobs and such. But will the evening turn to Benghazi, and will the president give his usual answer we are investigating this to divert us until after the election. This is not a political subject, this is the death of four Americans.

There will also be no followup, but that rule has already been broken several times. Some anticipate an angered Obama after the women's vote is slipping away from him. New Rasmussen report said 50% of women for Romney to Obama 46%. It has been said that Obama was angered and made the statement Rasmussen was the only poll stating this.

Just three weeks away with Romney beginning to pull ahead with women and  Obama still slightly ahead in new national poll with Obama at 47.7% and Romney47.4%, showing this election is going to be very close.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Got My First Paycheck Today

Now if only we can get the other 23 million on their feet. It's no laughing matter Vice-President Biden. While you are making fun of Paul Ryan's plans, people are hurting and still out of work.

Sometimes I even wonder if this president understands what he has done to this nation. Does he know what a family goes through when they lose a house? Or what it is like to search for a job for over a year or more to find a job?

It's no laughing matter that Iran is near having nuclear weapons and they have a new missile that can reach Israel. You're a little behind the times Vice-President Biden.

It's no laughing matter that 4 Americans were killed in Benghazi because the State Department didn't send military help to the Ambassador and his protectors. It's wasn't a video, they were thrown into the arms of terrorists.

It's no laughing matter to tell the enemy when you are going to end a war. Our young people have fought hard and deserve the victory.

It's no laughing matter and we are not laughing with you. Not when we have been through the veil of tears you and this president have put the nation through the last four years.

It's time to go.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

The Laughing Biden

The debate started with Biden in a strange laughing mood. At times he seemed derisive and even bazaar. You had to overlook this to concentrate on what he was saying. It seemed more of the same the President talked about. Taxing the rich, and remove the Bush tax cuts. Of course more spending {stimulus} is in that equation but Biden fortunatley left that out. But nothing really new on the economy except more of the same.

Ryan seemed to hold his own. He was clear and concise and knew what he wanted to say to bring forth the Romney plan. He made it clear to lower taxes so people would have more in their pockets to spend. Or for employers more to spend on their businesses. Also making it clear that this would increase tax revenue, which Biden couldn't quite grasp.

Biden also had to get in the Share - Even the Playing field for everyone Obama doctrine. He also played the Mediscare game to make seniors believe the Ryan-Romney plan was devastating and would destroy Medicare. He also added more smirking and having a regular heyday over what Ryan was saying. Only thing is only the VP was laughing.

The highest poll I have seen so far this evening is CNBC with Paul Ryan 56% - Joe Biden 36% Neither 8%.

I found Ryan tried to remain respectful and as the debate continued he became stronger and in more control of the speaking time. Speaking time ended up being Ryan 41 minutes and Biden 40 minutes. It only seemed Biden spoke longer.

As you can tell by my speech I did not enjoy the smiling - it seemed as though he was laughing at us - it was offensive.

Biden Vs Ryan - Second Round

It should be rather interesting tonight. There is much speculation on whether the polls will move much after the debate. Over 70 million watched the Palin - Biden match-up. It is said that Joe was told to make it soft on Palin. But all the stops are going to be unleashed tonight. It could be a real shoot out and the one left standing will be declared the winner.

Of course everyone is ready for the Biden goof, and no doubt Ryan will have myriads of facts and figures.

Obama lost a lot of independents on the last debate and they think they will get them back tonight. I don't think it is quite that easy. I think most of those likely voters liked what they heard and it will be hard to turn them.

If Ryan does well and doesn't make any major mistakes we will see another rise but not that much.

Ryan tweeted earlier 'Lets'get it going."

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

When The Benghazi Hearing Ended I Cried

To think that the US Ambassador and his defense team were left literally waiting to know that something soon was going to happen and no one would come to help. To think that the UK Ambassador was attacked by a fish bomb in Benghazi a few weeks earlier. That 230 attacks had occurred the last 12 months. As red flags where flying everywhere, but no help coming, brought tears to my eyes.

These were the reports we received today in the committee hearings on the Benghazi attack. The state department failed the Ambassador and his protectors. Our country failed these servants of the people. Here they were trying to get help, but the bureaucrats followed procedures and policies instead. It left us screaming at our TV's and congressmen shouting from their seats. Inexcusable doesn't even come close to defining what we heard today. Why didn't the state department listen to these people?

It wasn't because of lack of funds. Simply stated our government  failed to listen to them.

Lt. Col. Anderson Wood: "the Ambassador knew he was in danger from a message on facebook after the attempt on the UK's Ambassador's bomb attack just a few weeks before 9-11-2012."

Erick Nordstrom, Regional Security Advisor:  "There was a complete and total lack of planning."  "Security continued to deteriorate and a litany of assaults continuing." Nordstrom continued: "Requests continued for military protection {SST} staying. If not, then give us 13 bodies from anywhere" was his plea. It fell on deaf ears.

Woods:  Resources for there for SST to stay. We would have been happy to help."

Charlene Lamb: There were conflicting stories, multiple reports, we could not reconcile multiple reports on why they did not know if it was the video or terrorists." You can't make this stuff up.

On the question. Did you think it was a terrorist attack? Patrick Kennedy, Under Secretary of State in Management:  "Anybody would have said the same thing as Rice." But on Sept 12th Kennedy said it was a terrorist attack in his own opinion contradicting himself. Nordstrom: "I thought it was a terrorist attack immediately." Woods: "I instantly believed it was a terrorist attack."

Rep. Gowdy: In swelling anger "Carney said there was no evidence that it was preplanned, no concrete evidence." Getting angrier he exploded "It was never a video, it was terror. We were lied to."

Rep. Rohrabacher was the one who gave the greatest assault on Webb and Kennedy: "Was it lack of money? Intelligence? I was in the Reagan Administration - he never sidestepped an issue. He never used lowering and scrabbling to the Islamic terrorists saying it never happened. "To Kennedy he said "you never even used the word terrorism in your written testimony as to what happened." There is a mind-set at play. And now you are here one month later - are you stonewalling?"

Rep.Adam: 230 incidents of attacks and you and your agency denied help?''

The feelings I have are deep inside. I feel anger and regret that our government let the Ambassador and his protectors down. They called for help and it did not come. How they must have felt, forsaken, frightened, and alone. They had come to help a country find it's way to freedom, but were ensnared in the arms of the terrorists. The American government let us down too. By not being forthright in what happened. And yes, they may have even lied to us. It was a terrorist attack. So they will explore and come up with a finding on how to possibly keep it from happening again. But can they bring the Ambassador back to his family. Can they bring back those that protected him for the sake of freedom, who were also father's and husbands? And all because they didn't meet the criteria for getting more help. This is government bureaucracy at it's worst.

God Bless Ambassador Stevens. God bless the others who gave their lives so Libyans have a chance at freedom. They gave the ultimate, highest price. There are no words for their sacrifice.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

The Falling Obama

Obama is falling and falling hard. The reason Obama could not come back at the debate? He had nothing to come back with. On the 90 Billion spent on green energy funded projects he has mostly wasted, he only made a grimaced face at Romney. He made no answer for the 719 Billion taken from Medicare. Although he has since corrected the statement by saying he has saved Medicare from 719 Billion by reducing hospital, nursing home, pharmaceuticals and doctor bills. But he did not mention the hospitals and doctors who will no longer take Medicare and the list is growing. He has no excuse for the first stimulus which was recently estimated to cost 1.18 Trillion dollars, with low jobs created and the ones he did create are now beginning to end.

His only answer so far is we need more stimulus, highly unlikely to happen as the congress will be pretty much what we have now, with a few possible additions in the Senate for the Republicans and and few possible gains in the house of new Dems and Republicans. He had few answers and brought few new ideas to the debate. All he has left is Big Bird to defend. Although Big Bird has little defense as he has brought in 1 Billion in revenues in merchandise and clothing since his start. So Big Bird can't really help him.

He had no answers and Romney called his bluff. He had no defense so Romney wiped him off the board. He has no political capital left, he spent it on Obamacare. You could say he has come to the end of his rope. He is even beginning to loose the women's vote because women like to feel secure and the heartbreaking debacle in Lybia has taken that away.

He had no answers, no defence, no bluff. All that was standing was the real Obama with hardly anything to say. This is the real Obama, he has left our country broke, looked down upon by the world and has tried to isolate us from our own allies. This is the Fallen Obama.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Al Gore - Blame It On The Altitude

The President was shocked last night. I couldn't help but keep looking at his responses. He was dumbfounded, confused and disbelieving that Romney was taking over the debate. He tried to stick to his plan, but it kept falling apart on him. He and Clinton had revised a plan whereby he would say something like, We'll we need not look back but look forward to the future. But every time he tried it, it failed

Unfortunately nothing the President tried helped him. If the President talked about the past, Romney would come in with facts and figures that blew apart anything he had to say. Then he would look at Romney with a look that said when can I get out of here? Or I should have celebrated our anniversary instead.

Romney from the start went for the jugular trying to choke Obamacare. Obama said a few words and Romney came back with instead of working for two years on Obamacare you should have worked on jobs for the American people. Saying to us he wasted his political capital he had gained from the election.

Obama responded with a weak ' Oh, we worked on jobs too.' I think right then Obama realized he hadn't done his homework. That Romney was ready for the exchange. We will never really know what happened with Obama, he seemed tired, unprepared and weak. Romney was in charge of the debate and even Lehrer had trouble keeping him in place.

He really hit it hard on things that Obama had said that were not true. At one point Romney said that he had never heard of a law that gave deductions for companies that took jobs overseas. That he had been a businessman for 25 years and there was no such law.

The ratings really went high when Romney said he would work with the other side, something Obama would not do with Obamacare and left the Republicans with no input. Romney said in his health care plan it was Democrats and Republicans working together. This is something highly important to voters. They are tired of the split in government. And they have a right to be..

Romney spoke of personal responsibility, not a government that takes care of everyone. The part I liked is keeping Medicare in the hands of the states. This way we have more control.

Another of his corrections to Obama "I never said I would raise taxes on the middle class.
All in all Romney hit the nail on the head and continued throughout the debate. He especially clobbered the President on the indebtedness of the country and the mess he has left for our children and grandchildren.
He spoke of tying the hands of the small businessman and the taxes that they are hard hit with. Even giving the figures of a small business where the owner paid nearly half of what he made to the government. Obama would increase that by 5%. He also told of the fears small businessmen face, and of the large force of Americans they employ in the United States. He clearly wants to fight for the small business's.

And through all of this he showed a gentleness, not the hard hearted person the President has painted him on the campaign trail. It was a great evening and one that will be remembered for a long time in Romney's bid for the White House.