Tuesday, October 16, 2012

The Town Hall Debate - Round Three

Tonight's debate is in the setting of a town hall which was initiated as part of the presidential debates in 1992 by Clinton, Bush #1 and Ross Perrot. Today Ross Perrot gave his indorsement to Romney stating that the country could not take another four years of Obama.

Some prefer this debate as the questions are usually more personal issues and not usually questions journalist's are interested in. People are concerned about taxes, health care, jobs and such. But will the evening turn to Benghazi, and will the president give his usual answer we are investigating this to divert us until after the election. This is not a political subject, this is the death of four Americans.

There will also be no followup, but that rule has already been broken several times. Some anticipate an angered Obama after the women's vote is slipping away from him. New Rasmussen report said 50% of women for Romney to Obama 46%. It has been said that Obama was angered and made the statement Rasmussen was the only poll stating this.

Just three weeks away with Romney beginning to pull ahead with women and  Obama still slightly ahead in new national poll with Obama at 47.7% and Romney47.4%, showing this election is going to be very close.

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