Friday, October 12, 2012

Got My First Paycheck Today

Now if only we can get the other 23 million on their feet. It's no laughing matter Vice-President Biden. While you are making fun of Paul Ryan's plans, people are hurting and still out of work.

Sometimes I even wonder if this president understands what he has done to this nation. Does he know what a family goes through when they lose a house? Or what it is like to search for a job for over a year or more to find a job?

It's no laughing matter that Iran is near having nuclear weapons and they have a new missile that can reach Israel. You're a little behind the times Vice-President Biden.

It's no laughing matter that 4 Americans were killed in Benghazi because the State Department didn't send military help to the Ambassador and his protectors. It's wasn't a video, they were thrown into the arms of terrorists.

It's no laughing matter to tell the enemy when you are going to end a war. Our young people have fought hard and deserve the victory.

It's no laughing matter and we are not laughing with you. Not when we have been through the veil of tears you and this president have put the nation through the last four years.

It's time to go.

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