Wednesday, October 17, 2012

The Boxing Match Was On Romney Vs Obama

I had the impression from the beginning by the way the questions where read it seemed a concerned audience. The questions seemed as though they were from a negative view. The first came from a 20 year old college student and was very direct. He threw the first volley at Obama. "I am a college student working three jobs," directed straight at Obama "I have had little opportunity for employment." Obama answered I am glad you are continuing with your studies and I have  increased  government loans. And I personally have been happy about that but Romney hit the nail on the head when he told the student that under Obama college kids have more in debt and had less work. Obama went on to explain he would change the tax code to help small businesses to create jobs. He must be taking lessons from Romney, but my question why hasn't he done this already to take the burden off small businessmen? Romney continued on that  "the President's policies have been exercised for the last four years and have not worked."

And that is how the evening kept going with Romney and Obama taking one blow to the other over and over. Some say there was too much contention, but others, especially men said they like the heavy hitting. And at times it was up close and personal with evading one another's air space. Another questioner, an African American was pretty blunt, "I voted for you and it has been rough." Obama continued in his usual defence of being handed a bad deal but that we are beginning to climb out of it. There also was an assault gun question, and both candidate's answered to their party lines with Obama wanting more banns which I read today now he is going to do something. More than likely an executive order to pass soon for the women voters. Romney answered his usual we have enough laws, they need to be enforced. But had also bought up the problem of children's home lives needing to improve to stop the situation. And I hardily agree.

At times it was serious, at times humorous, but the battle continued without either giving up. Some say Obama won and others say Romney won in substance. Romney went after China on their currency manipulation allowing tariffs. And one of the lines of the evening Obama slamming Romney "your the last one to get tough on China" One of my favorite phrases of the evening trickle-down government by Romney.

Romney tried to drive home his five point plan, energy independence, increase even trade, balance the budget, fixing learning programs for work, and championing small businesses. Obama came back with Romney doesn't have a five point plan. He has a one point plan, he went on to explain, a plan for the rich being exempt from Obama's 20% across the board cut.  But Obama pushed his points too hard and Romney finally came back asking Obama about his pension plan, that Obama had the same type investments overseas as Romney....Guess he's had it with that.

Finally the woman question came up on equal pay and I wish she had mentioned that even with the passing of the Bettty Leadbetter Bill women are still making 72% of a man's income, even in the White House. This gave Romney the advantage to mention that 580,000 women lost jobs the last four years. That under Obama 31/2 million more women are in poverty.

The saddest mention last night was that America is not number 1 in manufacturing, China is. Romney said we need to cut down on outsourcing, that 1/2 million manufacturing jobs have gone off shore.

Charles Krathhammer: "It was like a boxing match." On Obama "He didn't even try to answer the questions." It was clear that these two don't like each other very much. Some of the looks on Obama's face showed he was not amused by Romney's comments.

Of course we knew Benghazi would come up. The key words being from the Rose Garden the following day of the attack Obama said "no acts of terrorism" and Romeny picked up on this. He was corrected by Crowley who later that night said that Romney was right. Crowley also repeatedly stopped Romney from finishing his points. It did seem at times one sided. Romney had 40.58 minutes to Obama's 43.47. Many have said Romney should have gone after the timeline of the two weeks following Benghazi when he went on the View on Sept 25th and at the UN he mentioned the video 6X's. As one put it the President got caught. Sununu said "the President lives in his own world, "it was an act of negligence." Sununu continued, "the president knew because he watched it that night by video."

In my estimation the President was on defence most of the night, Romney seemed forceful, on the offence. articulate and had more substance. It's hard to run on a nothing record. The best quote of the evening for me "we don't have to live like this."

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