Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Romney Looked Calm, Cool and Collected

Romney had the appearance of a president from the beginning, while Obama looked like the student.  He showed that the policies of Obama have not been as a leader, but as the absent commander-in chief, calling Obama's presidential campaign an apology tour.

The reason Romney took this form was to not give the appearance of a war hawk, that so many have given of the Republican party. The form Obama took was to make Romney look bad and appear like he was a good foreign leader. In form he looked good, in reality his foreign policies have failed.

Romney spoke on Libya of having a comprehensive plan to overcome extremism. "The key is to have a pathway to get Middle East countries to reject extreme Islam themselves," Romney said. We have an opportunity in Syria, Iran's only ally, with removal of Assad. He also spoke that countries don't trust us now and perceive us as unreliable to come to their aid. Do they really trust us to be there if they need us?

If you want a real expose' of Obama's foreign policy look at Benhazi, which happened September 11th, 2012 and we still don't have answers.

On the statement Romney made that we have fewer ships than in 1916, the president's one good line ""we also have fewer horses and bayonets" is backfiring on him because marines still use bayonets and are calling him out. Donald Rumsfeld said this morning, the fact that we are deminishing in our war ships is serious business.

Romney again came in on him about the need to keep our friendship with Israel and that the president didn't visit Israel once in four years.

 One of the president's statements recently made on his foreign policy is "It hasn't gotten worse." Mr president we have no allies now who trust us, how we are perceived in the world is much different than when you took office. Do countries now perceive us as reliable? Do they trust us to be there if they need us? It's going to take a long time for the world to respect us again.

The need for foreign policy being corrected is important, but many still believe it's the economy that will be the main thrust of the 2012 vote. As James Carville has recently restated "It's the economy, stupid." Also, last night, some would have liked some discussion about the European Union. Other's are regretting that Fast and Furious wasn't mentioned.

The entire campaign now comes to those swing states. Ohio is of course the main target. If Romney wins Ohio he needs only one other swing state to win. Romney is now edging ahead in Florida with Romney 48.4% to Obama's 46.6%. A recent national head to head poll was Romney 47% to Obama's 47%. Last night's debate probably had little effect on the undecided voter, who many still remain undecided.

This election comes down to the day when they walk in the booth and pull the lever, well used to be the lever, and make their final decision. It will be a 'who can they trust decision?' Can they trust a president who has driven our country into deep debt, left for our children and grandchildren to pay? A president who has turned away from our allies? A president who has made so many regulations the small businessman is choking to death? Or can they trust a man who has been a proven winner in creating jobs? A man from all accounts is respected and has high integrity.To me the decision is clear. I choose a winner. A man that stands for right and wrong. That's were my vote goes.

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