Wednesday, March 31, 2010

People Already told they will loose their Doctor

Nothing makes me madder than this. I will loose my fight for my illness if this happens. My Doctor and I have been fighting for the last 30 years to find medications for me. I have fibromyalgia. It is difficult to diagnose. I went to 11 doctors before someone finally came up with a name and it has even been worse trying to treat my extreme condition. What right has the government to tell me or my doctor how to treat this or worse yet get someone who even knows less than the doctor I have. People are already saying they have been told they will loose their doctor. To some this means little. They go once a year for a cold but to the cronically ill this could be disasterous. Even more reason we need to call for the repeal of this very bad bill. I for one to not want to pay what I am already paying or paying more for worse service. I still do not understand how this whole thing could be legal. Surely there are laws to protect us and if not we need new laws. Quess we never expected the government to take over heath care in America.

From the RNC Today, new facts and revised numbers about heath care bill

From the RNC Today,
1. Problems with healthcare bill
2. Causes 9 million people to lose insurance they have now
3. Increases deficit by $260 Billion over next decade
4. Raises taxes on small businessmen $569 Billion-creates a new marriage penalty
5. Cuts Medicare by $523 Billion
6. Increases premiums by 10% for people without employer based insurance
7. Expands Power of IRS to inforce government mandate that requires Americans to
purchase government -approved insurance
8. After all this is done and bill fully implemented, 23 million people will still not have
insurance in 2019

Don't forget this law will increase unemployment, because businesses will have increased
costs, fines, and taxes and will have to offset them by laying off employees.

Monday, March 29, 2010

What is Definition of Socialism?

We can at this time be called a socialistic nation. Healthcare Reform will take up 18-20% of the Federal government. That doesn't count the government take over of banks and car companies through TARP. What is definition of socialism-a simple definition is the government take over of business. We have handed it to Obama on a platter. The healthcare bill is a bad bill. Only about 200 pages of the bill are actually good pages we can use. Why has this happened? We have been conditioned to receive it. Many people feel this is ripe, like a piece of fruit, and it's time has come. Like we are out of touch with the rest of the world. I have come to realize people will have to see this for themselves. To see how serious a situation this is, government takeover of our lives. The President and his wife would like to tells us what kind of cars to buy, how to heat our homes, and what to feed our children. This is elitism as I have come to understand the term. We don't know how to live our lives so they must tell us. We are not even able to understand the term reconcilliation. Stating clearly the President said people don't really care how a bill is processed as long as it passes. We aren't really smart enough to understand the process. They look down on us in a condescending manner as he addressed Sen John McCain at the so called Health Care Summit if that is what you could call it. Trying to get our controll back will take a lot of time and a lot of work. We are now in a battle to regain America. Hopefully it will be done in a right and civil way. God Bless our America.

I Had Lunch With Karl Rove

I had lunch with Karl Rove, well, ok there were 450 other people with me at the Union League in downtown Chicago,
Karl was great. It was a very enjoyable time. A young man sitting next to me was named John who is a moderate conservative. I am very incouraged about our young people who are taking up the banner of conservatism. Karl spoke of September 11th. He was with the President when it happened. He was the one who told the President a plane had crashed into the twin towers. There was concern for Air Force One as a message had been received using the secret code of Angel used for Air Force One. They scrambled to the airport and the plane took off even before the door was closed. They flew around for fear the plane was a target. Eventually President Bush ordered the plane to return back to Washington D.C. Two fighter planes on each side of Air Force One escorted the plane back. Their mission to go in front of Air Force one if there was an attack. He also alked about Katrina, hunting with the President and Vice President, and candidly speaking of mistakes he had made in not countering attacks on crtitisizm of Iraq War and WMD. I found him humorous, honest and a very genuine person. Not the person so type cast as the man who would do anything to win a campaign. Karl said he wrote the book to set the record straight and called it a d--- good read, and it is. In reading I found some things in common. We were both born in Colorado. He lived in Arvada, I in Westminster, Colo. His grandparents lived two blocks from our first apartment. He has Woods in his family and I in mine. Just some coinsidences. I hope you will read this very interesting book about the Bush years and Karl's involvement in them. Marna Meyer

Saturday, March 27, 2010

To Be Like Don

Today we went to a wake to celebrate a life. The person who passed was a stepfather to friend's of ours Pastor Mike and Patty French. I would like to tell you about Don for he was one who lived his faith. We met Don about 15 years ago. We were going through a hard time and were attending Pastor Mike's church. During this time we were without a church, my husband is also a Pastor. To top off our problems my husband lost his left foot due to diabetes. I and the children went to leave for church and the car would not start. I was pretty upset as at this time it was our only car. I called my husband at the hospital and he said, Marna I am flat on my back I can't do anything about it. I called Bro. Mike and he said they would pick me up for church in the evening. I arived at church and by this time most everyone had heard the news. Don came up to me and said I could borrow his car. For the next three weeks I used Don's car to get back and forth to the hospital and for our other needs. Another man from church came and worked on our car, and someone else came and put up railings so my husband could walk up the stairs in the house. By the time my husband came home I was able to get him in our own car and get him into the house. A few weeks later our washer went out. Once again Don came to our aid and bought us a washer. After many weeks of therapy and prayer my husband learned to walk again on his new leg. Tonight at Don's wake I was told many other stories of things Don had done for others through the years. Whenever Don did something for others he would say, Don't tell anyone I did anything, I don't want anyone to know about this. I share this with you because we are in a time when we all need to be a Don. There are people all around us who need help. Could you be a Don? Could you pick up someone and take them to the Dr? Could you buy someone a coat or some shoe's. I recently bought a family paper and school supplies. There are people all around us who need help. Who will be a Don and take his place? We all need to help one another through these troubled times. We need to be not so self centered and be more aware of other's needs. We need to be a Don.

Don, we thank you for your example and we will miss you. God help us to be more like Don.
God Bless you Don. Marna

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Boondoggle of a Mess Bill

My son Russ made an interesting observation. He knew I was upset about the Health Care Reform Bill. Not that I am against health care reform, I am for healthcare reform, just not this boondoggle of a mess bill. We've needed something long before this. We all have relatives and friends who have no insurance. My son, who has been out of work for a year, being one of them. And guess who has been paying his health bills-me. I of all people see the need for this reform. But being a strong conservative I believe this should be at the state level. You see I believe in a small federal government-power to the states. But the problem is not only is our federal government too large so are our state governments. And that is why they are starting to control our lives, they are too big. But getting back to Russ. He asked are you alright? and I said yes I was starting to get over what had happened. And Russ said, We'll I'm not. I'm mad. I asked why? He said because the President had lied to us he said he would not use reconcilliation and he did. One thing about Russ he does not like lying. He has told me several times the president has lied. Which makes me wonder how far will the President go to get something done and how many lies will he tell to get it? I know for one he has lost my confidence and my trust by the process which was done to get this bill. He keeps calling it a game. He's playing a game with our tax dollars and it isn't much fun. Mr President once you loose the trust of the people it is very hard to get it back. Marna Meyer