Wednesday, March 31, 2010

People Already told they will loose their Doctor

Nothing makes me madder than this. I will loose my fight for my illness if this happens. My Doctor and I have been fighting for the last 30 years to find medications for me. I have fibromyalgia. It is difficult to diagnose. I went to 11 doctors before someone finally came up with a name and it has even been worse trying to treat my extreme condition. What right has the government to tell me or my doctor how to treat this or worse yet get someone who even knows less than the doctor I have. People are already saying they have been told they will loose their doctor. To some this means little. They go once a year for a cold but to the cronically ill this could be disasterous. Even more reason we need to call for the repeal of this very bad bill. I for one to not want to pay what I am already paying or paying more for worse service. I still do not understand how this whole thing could be legal. Surely there are laws to protect us and if not we need new laws. Quess we never expected the government to take over heath care in America.

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