Wednesday, March 31, 2010

From the RNC Today, new facts and revised numbers about heath care bill

From the RNC Today,
1. Problems with healthcare bill
2. Causes 9 million people to lose insurance they have now
3. Increases deficit by $260 Billion over next decade
4. Raises taxes on small businessmen $569 Billion-creates a new marriage penalty
5. Cuts Medicare by $523 Billion
6. Increases premiums by 10% for people without employer based insurance
7. Expands Power of IRS to inforce government mandate that requires Americans to
purchase government -approved insurance
8. After all this is done and bill fully implemented, 23 million people will still not have
insurance in 2019

Don't forget this law will increase unemployment, because businesses will have increased
costs, fines, and taxes and will have to offset them by laying off employees.

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