Thursday, March 25, 2010

Boondoggle of a Mess Bill

My son Russ made an interesting observation. He knew I was upset about the Health Care Reform Bill. Not that I am against health care reform, I am for healthcare reform, just not this boondoggle of a mess bill. We've needed something long before this. We all have relatives and friends who have no insurance. My son, who has been out of work for a year, being one of them. And guess who has been paying his health bills-me. I of all people see the need for this reform. But being a strong conservative I believe this should be at the state level. You see I believe in a small federal government-power to the states. But the problem is not only is our federal government too large so are our state governments. And that is why they are starting to control our lives, they are too big. But getting back to Russ. He asked are you alright? and I said yes I was starting to get over what had happened. And Russ said, We'll I'm not. I'm mad. I asked why? He said because the President had lied to us he said he would not use reconcilliation and he did. One thing about Russ he does not like lying. He has told me several times the president has lied. Which makes me wonder how far will the President go to get something done and how many lies will he tell to get it? I know for one he has lost my confidence and my trust by the process which was done to get this bill. He keeps calling it a game. He's playing a game with our tax dollars and it isn't much fun. Mr President once you loose the trust of the people it is very hard to get it back. Marna Meyer

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