Monday, March 29, 2010

I Had Lunch With Karl Rove

I had lunch with Karl Rove, well, ok there were 450 other people with me at the Union League in downtown Chicago,
Karl was great. It was a very enjoyable time. A young man sitting next to me was named John who is a moderate conservative. I am very incouraged about our young people who are taking up the banner of conservatism. Karl spoke of September 11th. He was with the President when it happened. He was the one who told the President a plane had crashed into the twin towers. There was concern for Air Force One as a message had been received using the secret code of Angel used for Air Force One. They scrambled to the airport and the plane took off even before the door was closed. They flew around for fear the plane was a target. Eventually President Bush ordered the plane to return back to Washington D.C. Two fighter planes on each side of Air Force One escorted the plane back. Their mission to go in front of Air Force one if there was an attack. He also alked about Katrina, hunting with the President and Vice President, and candidly speaking of mistakes he had made in not countering attacks on crtitisizm of Iraq War and WMD. I found him humorous, honest and a very genuine person. Not the person so type cast as the man who would do anything to win a campaign. Karl said he wrote the book to set the record straight and called it a d--- good read, and it is. In reading I found some things in common. We were both born in Colorado. He lived in Arvada, I in Westminster, Colo. His grandparents lived two blocks from our first apartment. He has Woods in his family and I in mine. Just some coinsidences. I hope you will read this very interesting book about the Bush years and Karl's involvement in them. Marna Meyer

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