Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Mayor Daley's Corrupt Legacy

Why is there so much unhappiness about Mayor Daley, one who has achieved such great gains in and for the City of Chicago? Despite all the good things, there has always been this cloud of corruption that huddles around him. The amazing thing, so much bad could swirl around him and yet he was never involved?? Even his friends and family would fall into corruption, but he himself was never stained. He always acted like he was beyond belief this could happen under him. How could it happen, and he had no idea it was even happening.

The scandals and cronyism were right under his feet, he never knew any of it. How many press conferences we have sat through and he would declare his innocence. It was almost comical at times and yet it was quite serious.

One moment came in 2004 when Chicago Sun Times came out with the Hired Truck Scandal. It eventually came to 49 convictions, 31 of them Chicago Employees. The city had to eventually spend 12 million to compensate the victims of City Hall's rigged hiring system.

Another in 1997, the resignation of Ald. Patrick Huels, after his company had received $1.25 million from a trucking company magnat Micheal Tadin. Tadin had received a $1.1 million city subsidy to cover a 1 million IRS problem.

In 1999, members of Duff family-which had political ties to Daley and organized crime, the Chicago Tribune exposed they defrauded the city $100 million in contracts earmarked for minorities and women.

More to come the list is endless.

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