Sunday, May 15, 2011

What Happened to Huck?

My journey into writing started after I met Mike Huckabee. There was a greeting to Mrs. Reagan on Ronald Reagan's birthday. Huck wanted us to write something to her. His site sent me to twitter. At the time I had no idea what I was doing. When I got on twitter I wrote a piece about Reagan, somewhere I have the piece, and tried to send it back to Huck's site. Something went wrong and, yes, I lost my tweet. I have to idea what happened to it. Frustrated I turned off my computer. Did I mention I did not know what I was doing? The  next morning I got back on my computer and went to twitter, and there was a message from Karl Rove. Somehow he found my tweet and said he would follow me. I think he does that for others also. I thought, well if he liked what I wrote maybe I could write. I started writing about Obama, because I was scared of him and what might happen, In fact, everyone was scared of him and what he might do to this country and we still are. I found a blog I had started about a year before for my website, connected to twitter. The website failed because I had a problem with Ebay. Anyway, the blog all started with Huck.

I don't know what Huck's future is. I don't know what my future is with the recent loss of my husband. The thing I do know that Huck is right about the things the left is putting out about him. I have even told friends of mine, if he runs they are going to shred him to pieces and they have already started on the stations in Chicago. No doubt he has heard them himself. I think probably given we know the truth about what happened with the policemen, it is more than likely he could survive. And there are other things we now know about him. But he does not want to find this out for himself. Being a husband and a father, it is only natural he wants to protect his family. And thus he has reached the conclusion, not to run. As probably any decent person would reach the same conclusion.

I have written before, politics in America have become disgusting, dirty, and you think it can't get any lower but it does. I also have written how can we be the light to the world for democracy and have such disgusting elections.  Our politics have become so bad that a decent man like Huck, who could have the presidency in the palm of his hands, refuses to run because it isn't worth what it would put him and his family through. This is where we are in America. If we are to survive we must clean up our politics because no decent person will run and put his or her family through it.

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