Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Newt Racist Because Food Stamps Have Risen?

Is this going to be the new cry from the left? I  hope not. I hope we have all risen above this. Newt made a good reason why you should not vote for Obama in the election. It is the old cry are you better off now or before the last election. That is all Newt was referring to. In 2009, 33 million people were on food stamps and now 44.2 million people are on food stamps. In fact I read another article that nearly 47 million people are on food stamps. Clearly Newt was speaking to the fact people are no doing better now than two years ago.

 But other's including Chris Mathews jumped on the band wagon saying the remarks had a hint of racism in them. I had a similar experience with a neighbor when I was referring to some policies I didn't agree with the President was doing. She became angry and said I was racist, I didn't like his color. I made no reference to his color. In fact, I have some great black friends and I have a  love for black people. I thought it kind of funny in that she is on food stamps herself. I ended the conversation by asking her if she were better now than before the election and she had to admit she was in worse shape now.

That was all Newt was referring to. This is going to continue throughout the campaign I am afraid. I prefer we keep color out and deal with the issues. But I am afraid, it ain't gonna happen.

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