Thursday, August 25, 2011

Will President Obama be Evacuated?

"National weather authorities URGENT ALERT - Hurricane Irene has taken a nasty turn. Authorities say it is likely to be the most destructive hurricane to hit the Northeast corridor of U.S. in decades."

First the President"s golf game was interrupted by an earthquake, now Irene will hit the coast Saturday. Could the President be forced to evacuate?

180,000 residents and tourists are now being evacuated for N.C coast. 27 naval ships are leaving ports including Norfolk in northern Virginia. 9 other ships have already left and 28 ships remaining are to be secured. It is also good to have these ships out as they can come in and help also after the storm has lessened.

Thursday Irene hit the Bahama's as a Category 3 with winds of excess of 115 mpg. It is thought Irene will turn into a Category 4 with winds in excess of 131mpg as it hits the eastern seaboard.

Bridges are also a concern especially the Bonner Bridge, built in 1963 to last 30 years. The bridge is used by 2,000,000 cars a year and the only way to reach Hatteras Island.

The storm is thought to reach New York as a Category 1 {winds surpassing 74 mph.} The main concern for New York is the flooding.

Friday, August 12, 2011

The Republicans Are Alive And Fiery In Debate

It was a passionate and spirited group of candidates showing their desire to see the country get back on track and sharing their ideas of how to get there.

The most impassioned and knowledgeable in job creation and dealing with a stalled Congress was Newt Gingrich. He also laid out his displeasure of the debt commission, his conviction of it's worthlessness and even stated the stupidity of the plan by saying "as dumb and idea as Washington has come up with."

Best answer from Michele Backmann was her gotcha question "Would you as President submit to your husband?" She responded that she and her husband respected each other. Great answer and took the steam away from the press who always have this type question for those who claim Christianity.

Pawlenty and Bachmann duked it out with Pawlenty taking the charge, who has the most to lose this weekend if he does not come come close to the top. Pawlenty went after what he calls Bachmann's non-existant record saying "Bachmann's record of accomplishment results is non-existant." He also claims "Bachmann has a record of making false statements." Bachmann followed with a volley of remarks stating she has lead many causes including ten thousand to the capital on Obamacare.  Then handing out to the press documents reporting Pawlenty's  record.

Pawlenty made strong statements on his stand for Israel and his disdain for Obama's turncoat approach in dealing with Israel, saying "We should stand shoulder to shoulder with Israel-they are our friends." On Afghanistan he said. "The fight in Afghanistan is worth it, listen to Petraeus. No draw down based on Barack Obama's campaign calendar."

Mitt Romney came out in defense in what is called Obamneycare, "I based it on he 10th amendment" explaining he felt it should come under the states supplying health care and not the federal government.
There is disappointment that the candidates did not go after the front runner more, leaving him there standing and smiling a lot and unscathed as the evening went along.

The non-existant candidate was Rick Perry hanging over everyone as the new star to the contest, but being referred to several times.

The funniest candidate was Herman Cain in response to the question "was he serious about the 20' foot barbed-wired electrical fence? He responded, " Lighten up America, America has got to learn to take a joke."

Rand Paul stirred his close followers to the tune we must get out of all these wars. A cry that is being heard more and more as Americana's are growing weary of a ten year war.

All in all it was pretty fair debate, but I came away with pretty much the same knowledge I already knew about the candidates. It was fun to watch.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Another Milestone our 43rd Wedding Anniversary - August 10th

Today would have been our 43rd wedding anniversary. Unlike some people we still dressed and went out for our special day. I was always wanting to go out on the day if possible. So far today has been hard for me.  Each year we would get excited to think we were really get up there, saying to the naysayers yes it will last. 

I have learned on these milestone days to keep busy, not to dwell too hard on the loss.

I remember so much about this day. It rained all day, very unusual for Colorado, the morning going well for me and he arrived with a box in the afternoon. I was excited, what did he get me on our wedding day? I opened the box, it was filled with about 50 shirts. Yes,  he brought me his laundry, saying the dorm had to be emptied out.  I asked him why so many shirts?  He said he just kept buying them instead of washing. I soon learned he was a man who liked to dress and I still have about 50 of his suits in the house. I asked him to leave and not come back until the wedding. I was not very happy with him.

I was dressed at the church and waiting for the photographer. He arrived but without the guest book, part of my picture plan. It was still early so I asked him to go get the book. Bad mistake. We waited and waited. One guest came into the room and asked me if the groom had not arrived. I had an announcement made the wedding would be slightly delayed, forgetting that we were taping the ceremony.

Tha photographer arrived and the wedding proceeded, thankfully without any more cliche's. However later when we played the tape we had about 45 minutes of organ music and the tape ended before the vows.

We had the reception afterwards. I had ordered a caked with dark blue flowers draping down the cake. People said I never saw a cake with such dark colors before. The baker said it was different and I might have trouble with the dark blue colors. I really didn't know what he was talking about until I noticed when people were talking they had blue teeth. It became the talk of the evening.

Leaving the church, still raining, our car was brought to us of course filled to the top with papers. We struggled to get in and then my new husband turned on the lights and the horn went off. Of course if you honked the horn the lights came on. Loosing it a little my husband said we can't drive without lights. Of course everyone was standing outside the car laughing. I got out and ran across the parking lot and grass to the house in the rain. My husband said I was a striking figure running through the rain in my wedding dress.

We drove to the Springs and got there about two in the morning totally exhausted 43 years ago today.

I would like to say to the man who teased me if the groom was there, he didn't leave me at the alter and he stuck with me for 42 years.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Standard and Poor Punts a Blow to the U.S Economy

Whatever you might think downgrading of the U.S. credit was a blow to the economy. Saying that the spending plan that sprung finally from Congress didn't make the grade. The atempt they made to raise the nation's borrowing limit wasn't high enough to offset the deficit spending.

Standard and Poor said "The downgrade reflects our opinion that the fiscal consolidation plan that Congress and the Administration recently agreed to falls short of what, in our view, would be necessary to stabilize the governments medium-term-debt- dynamics."

Moody Investors Service and Fitch Rattings also has said a downgrade is possible if Congress doesn't reduce the debt.

S&P could also make another downgrade on April 18th of Congress does not reach a deficit reduction plan by 2013 that cuts an additional 4 Trillion dollars.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Debt Ceiling Reduction Bill's "Super" Committee Has a Lot of Power

Here we go again with another you have to pass the bill in order to know what is in the bill. One of the reason's Washington is broken, bills are not being handled the normal way they should be handled. The Democrats could have passed a raised debt ceiling bill before the elections and it would have passed with little fanfare with them controlling the house and senate. But waiting to the very end seems to be the norm lately. Causing us to skirt the normal routine of bills going to committees and coming back around to be amended and such. There was really no need for this to come down to the last minute like it did. It is getting a little tiresome to have these emerging problems, a quick vote, and the leaving for vacation for five weeks and not really even knowing what is in the bills. But the "super" committee as it is called is going to come under more scrutiny as people begin to realize what it is all about.

Now we are finding a committee that has more power than Congress it self - as there can be no amendments and the committee can do almost anything it wants.. The committee is based upon a 1990 plan when they closed the military bases. The then named independent Base Realignment and Closure committee could be a fast track Congressional vote to close the bases.  Closures of bases became the law unless Congress passed what was called a resolution of disapproval.

The committee will also have a fast track to the floor, little debate, no filibusters and a simple majority in the Senate to pass. There are few restrictions on the committee.

The committee is thought to be used for cutting spending. Certain triggers will go into effect if the Committee does not act in time.The triggers are called a sequestration process designed to stop a stalemate. Now if the committee finds no agreement automatically a cut goes in on domestic and defense programs to be cut by 1.2 Trillion starting in 2013.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

The Bill Nobody Likes

We'll congress finally did it, they passed a bill nobody likes. There is a mixture of emotion and even anger by some. Even the Tea Partier's are divided on the bill. The President said yesterday it was messy. And Reid blames those extreme Tea Party people, you know the ones who want to follow the Constitution and keep taxes down

Michele Bachmann said when she left the floor "Well, I was sorry it passed."

Republicans said they were unhappy because they felt it would cut defense too much. Other Republicans said there needed to be deeper cuts.

Other's said it was called compromise.

Many are unhappy about the 12 member committee and giving them cart blanch with no way to control them.

Others said it should work with the triggers in place called sequestration that causes mandatory cuts across the board if the committee does not function as it should. Of course that depends on who are the ones defining if they are functioning as they should.

Sound confusing, well it is. It's called compromise. And it was done this way to stop the country from defaulting, if they stopped it from defaulting.

Only time will tell how effective the bill actually is.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Will the Controversial Bill Fix the Problem?

President Obama says "This process has been messy. It's taken far too long. A real understatement in my opinion as the leaders of our country have known for a long time this was coming, but decided to ignore it until now. But none the less it is silly to as the say cry over spilt milk. This is where we are now.

The bill has been highly controversial and divisive for our country and will be for a long time coming. Why we are here we can debate forever, but how we got here will be forever inbeted in our minds. Endless and thoughtless spending on irrelevant and needless projects for congressmen to look good to their voters. And we the voters being as bad receiving and wanting these extravagant and sometimes even frivolous projects. As a famous President said "the buck stops here," but the last three or four presidents forgot that principle and fell also to the whims of the people.

Now our children and grandchildren and beyond must pay for our indulgences.

Congress"s back is literally against the wall. and the debt wall is high. Neither do we know if the "fix " will fix the problem. Will the remedy be strong enough, can the dosage be the right levels to stop the problem and cease the country from default and lowering of it's credit rating? We don't really know. 

America, we have learned a very hard lesson. The spending has to end in order to save America. The question is have we learned the lesson?