Tuesday, August 2, 2011

The Bill Nobody Likes

We'll congress finally did it, they passed a bill nobody likes. There is a mixture of emotion and even anger by some. Even the Tea Partier's are divided on the bill. The President said yesterday it was messy. And Reid blames those extreme Tea Party people, you know the ones who want to follow the Constitution and keep taxes down

Michele Bachmann said when she left the floor "Well, I was sorry it passed."

Republicans said they were unhappy because they felt it would cut defense too much. Other Republicans said there needed to be deeper cuts.

Other's said it was called compromise.

Many are unhappy about the 12 member committee and giving them cart blanch with no way to control them.

Others said it should work with the triggers in place called sequestration that causes mandatory cuts across the board if the committee does not function as it should. Of course that depends on who are the ones defining if they are functioning as they should.

Sound confusing, well it is. It's called compromise. And it was done this way to stop the country from defaulting, if they stopped it from defaulting.

Only time will tell how effective the bill actually is.

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