Monday, August 1, 2011

Will the Controversial Bill Fix the Problem?

President Obama says "This process has been messy. It's taken far too long. A real understatement in my opinion as the leaders of our country have known for a long time this was coming, but decided to ignore it until now. But none the less it is silly to as the say cry over spilt milk. This is where we are now.

The bill has been highly controversial and divisive for our country and will be for a long time coming. Why we are here we can debate forever, but how we got here will be forever inbeted in our minds. Endless and thoughtless spending on irrelevant and needless projects for congressmen to look good to their voters. And we the voters being as bad receiving and wanting these extravagant and sometimes even frivolous projects. As a famous President said "the buck stops here," but the last three or four presidents forgot that principle and fell also to the whims of the people.

Now our children and grandchildren and beyond must pay for our indulgences.

Congress"s back is literally against the wall. and the debt wall is high. Neither do we know if the "fix " will fix the problem. Will the remedy be strong enough, can the dosage be the right levels to stop the problem and cease the country from default and lowering of it's credit rating? We don't really know. 

America, we have learned a very hard lesson. The spending has to end in order to save America. The question is have we learned the lesson?

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