Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Debt Ceiling Reduction Bill's "Super" Committee Has a Lot of Power

Here we go again with another you have to pass the bill in order to know what is in the bill. One of the reason's Washington is broken, bills are not being handled the normal way they should be handled. The Democrats could have passed a raised debt ceiling bill before the elections and it would have passed with little fanfare with them controlling the house and senate. But waiting to the very end seems to be the norm lately. Causing us to skirt the normal routine of bills going to committees and coming back around to be amended and such. There was really no need for this to come down to the last minute like it did. It is getting a little tiresome to have these emerging problems, a quick vote, and the leaving for vacation for five weeks and not really even knowing what is in the bills. But the "super" committee as it is called is going to come under more scrutiny as people begin to realize what it is all about.

Now we are finding a committee that has more power than Congress it self - as there can be no amendments and the committee can do almost anything it wants.. The committee is based upon a 1990 plan when they closed the military bases. The then named independent Base Realignment and Closure committee could be a fast track Congressional vote to close the bases.  Closures of bases became the law unless Congress passed what was called a resolution of disapproval.

The committee will also have a fast track to the floor, little debate, no filibusters and a simple majority in the Senate to pass. There are few restrictions on the committee.

The committee is thought to be used for cutting spending. Certain triggers will go into effect if the Committee does not act in time.The triggers are called a sequestration process designed to stop a stalemate. Now if the committee finds no agreement automatically a cut goes in on domestic and defense programs to be cut by 1.2 Trillion starting in 2013.

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