Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Another Milestone our 43rd Wedding Anniversary - August 10th

Today would have been our 43rd wedding anniversary. Unlike some people we still dressed and went out for our special day. I was always wanting to go out on the day if possible. So far today has been hard for me.  Each year we would get excited to think we were really get up there, saying to the naysayers yes it will last. 

I have learned on these milestone days to keep busy, not to dwell too hard on the loss.

I remember so much about this day. It rained all day, very unusual for Colorado, the morning going well for me and he arrived with a box in the afternoon. I was excited, what did he get me on our wedding day? I opened the box, it was filled with about 50 shirts. Yes,  he brought me his laundry, saying the dorm had to be emptied out.  I asked him why so many shirts?  He said he just kept buying them instead of washing. I soon learned he was a man who liked to dress and I still have about 50 of his suits in the house. I asked him to leave and not come back until the wedding. I was not very happy with him.

I was dressed at the church and waiting for the photographer. He arrived but without the guest book, part of my picture plan. It was still early so I asked him to go get the book. Bad mistake. We waited and waited. One guest came into the room and asked me if the groom had not arrived. I had an announcement made the wedding would be slightly delayed, forgetting that we were taping the ceremony.

Tha photographer arrived and the wedding proceeded, thankfully without any more cliche's. However later when we played the tape we had about 45 minutes of organ music and the tape ended before the vows.

We had the reception afterwards. I had ordered a caked with dark blue flowers draping down the cake. People said I never saw a cake with such dark colors before. The baker said it was different and I might have trouble with the dark blue colors. I really didn't know what he was talking about until I noticed when people were talking they had blue teeth. It became the talk of the evening.

Leaving the church, still raining, our car was brought to us of course filled to the top with papers. We struggled to get in and then my new husband turned on the lights and the horn went off. Of course if you honked the horn the lights came on. Loosing it a little my husband said we can't drive without lights. Of course everyone was standing outside the car laughing. I got out and ran across the parking lot and grass to the house in the rain. My husband said I was a striking figure running through the rain in my wedding dress.

We drove to the Springs and got there about two in the morning totally exhausted 43 years ago today.

I would like to say to the man who teased me if the groom was there, he didn't leave me at the alter and he stuck with me for 42 years.

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