Friday, August 12, 2011

The Republicans Are Alive And Fiery In Debate

It was a passionate and spirited group of candidates showing their desire to see the country get back on track and sharing their ideas of how to get there.

The most impassioned and knowledgeable in job creation and dealing with a stalled Congress was Newt Gingrich. He also laid out his displeasure of the debt commission, his conviction of it's worthlessness and even stated the stupidity of the plan by saying "as dumb and idea as Washington has come up with."

Best answer from Michele Backmann was her gotcha question "Would you as President submit to your husband?" She responded that she and her husband respected each other. Great answer and took the steam away from the press who always have this type question for those who claim Christianity.

Pawlenty and Bachmann duked it out with Pawlenty taking the charge, who has the most to lose this weekend if he does not come come close to the top. Pawlenty went after what he calls Bachmann's non-existant record saying "Bachmann's record of accomplishment results is non-existant." He also claims "Bachmann has a record of making false statements." Bachmann followed with a volley of remarks stating she has lead many causes including ten thousand to the capital on Obamacare.  Then handing out to the press documents reporting Pawlenty's  record.

Pawlenty made strong statements on his stand for Israel and his disdain for Obama's turncoat approach in dealing with Israel, saying "We should stand shoulder to shoulder with Israel-they are our friends." On Afghanistan he said. "The fight in Afghanistan is worth it, listen to Petraeus. No draw down based on Barack Obama's campaign calendar."

Mitt Romney came out in defense in what is called Obamneycare, "I based it on he 10th amendment" explaining he felt it should come under the states supplying health care and not the federal government.
There is disappointment that the candidates did not go after the front runner more, leaving him there standing and smiling a lot and unscathed as the evening went along.

The non-existant candidate was Rick Perry hanging over everyone as the new star to the contest, but being referred to several times.

The funniest candidate was Herman Cain in response to the question "was he serious about the 20' foot barbed-wired electrical fence? He responded, " Lighten up America, America has got to learn to take a joke."

Rand Paul stirred his close followers to the tune we must get out of all these wars. A cry that is being heard more and more as Americana's are growing weary of a ten year war.

All in all it was pretty fair debate, but I came away with pretty much the same knowledge I already knew about the candidates. It was fun to watch.

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