Tuesday, April 13, 2010

"Hello, Houston we have Problem Here"

66% of the people feel they are being over taxed and it is going to get worse with a more than possible 20% VAT tax from the federal government. That means they can tax anything you purchase by 20%. Seems unreal but in Europe they do it all the time. And that is where we are headed. We could do a fair tax but that is for another time, it would take up too much time now to explain. One democrat's response-people always feel they are being over taxed. During the phone campaign to kill the bill democrats said we always have more no phone calls than yes. They were in denial that 77% of the people did not want this bill, not health care reform we all know we need that, they did not want this bill. But they must have received some idea of unhappiness as there were few town hall meetings during the spring break. The President said that most people will be happy once they see how it works. And they showed him their happiness by his approval rating dropping to 43% about a 5% drop from before the bill. One congressman said sometimes you have to make an unpopular decision when you know something is right to do. Evidently 20 states so far think this is the wrong thing to do and are suing on the premise that it is unconstitutional for the federal government to make us pay for something. This is murky water and a decision will be made probably by the supreme court. I feel a far greater problem exists and that is, is it legal for the federal government to control private business to the point it literally drives that business out of business? If it is we are in deep water as I used to tell my children when they were in trouble. Listen folks, if this is legal they can put so many controls on your business until they literally drive you out of business . Or they could take everything you have. Well, isn't that what they are doing to the insurance companies and the doctors? These doctors spend their lives building their private practices and now they are going to tell these private business men how to treat their patients. How do they have the right to do that? They are in private practice and these are patients who have chosen to come to them. They could come in on you and tell you what you can do with whatever business you are in to the point of destroying your business. No one is even talking about this and there is no out cry because they went after medicine but just replace that with your business. We should be demanding that there be new laws that this can never happen again. If we have already given them the banks, the car industry and now medicine what is the tipping point to which they have everything in their control? Am I crazy? Do I need help? Or" Hello, Houston we have problem here".

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