Wednesday, April 7, 2010

I spent the day with my grand kids

Well, as usual I had a great time with my grandchildren. I took over Easter dresses I had made for the girls, and of course Easter baskets, plenty of candy and gifts. My grandson received a basket that looked like a soccer ball. Then we went to the stores to get my grandson clothes and shoes for everyone. All in all we were gone a little over 2 hours and I came back totally exhausted. My daughter-in-law had a wedding shower so she took the girls and I remained with my son and grandson. Our conversation turned to Obama care and my son is very concerned about how much his health insurance is going to increase and how much taxes are going to be taken from a new raise he just received. I am concerned also as the President has laid a heavy burden on my children and my grandchildren. My son and I talked quite a while about his concerns for his family and their future and I am concerned also. I am not sure the President understands what he has done to us. He went on and on in the campaign about the deficit of President Bush, but he has tripled that deficit in 1year and 3months of his term. Now left for him, how to find new ways to tax us to lower the deficit. New unemployment figures aren't much better either, but he has given very little help to small business men who are in essence carrying this country right now. He said in State of the Union speech that we could cut capital gains tax. Have you noticed how he throws a few bones to the republicans to keep us happy for a while? But with Obama care capital gains will be taxed 35 to 42% hurting small businesses more. And the tax credit for new people hired is a joke because you hire someone because your business is doing better. How is a $1,000 tax credit going to help when you can't afford their wages in the first place. In my opinion he is driving us deeper into the recession and will continue to do so if he continues on the path he is taking. Without a doubt he isn't going to change anytime soon and will continue on with his agenda. Hope you had a wonderful Easter, for without Christ and the Resurrection we would have no hope. Marna

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