Saturday, April 17, 2010

Have No Fear

There are some who say Iran is very close to having nukes and it could be sooner than we think. According to some experts Iran could have nukes any day now. Iran is a regime that believes it could bring back their Messiah, the twelfth I man, Mahdi, a messiah figure if an Apocalypse takes place. There will be no more sanctions against Iran as China considers Iran a client of theirs and would hinder trade involvement.
Who is watching this even closer than us? Israel. After all these missiles are aimed at Israel's back yard and Netanyahu is on his toes. I believe this is one of the reasons why there was such a short session with Pres. Obama a few weeks ago. Although there were also some other politics going on in the back ground you really don't want to know about. But have no fear if Pres. Obama does nothing which looks like this is most possible, Israel will take care of itself. After all Israel according to the scriptures is the apple of God's eye. What does that mean? They are a special people close to the heart of God. Remember the six day war massive armies came up against Israel and with God's strength they were stood down. I have no fear of the situation because Israel can take care of it's self. And it will make Pres. Obama look like a wimp. That is what he deserves for snubbing God's special people and their leader a few weeks ago. I have faith in Israel and their God because He is our God also. God will take care of this situation and He alone will get the glory. Have no Fear. Marna

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