Monday, April 26, 2010

The Problem in Washington is far greater than the President

The progressive system has been going for a long time and the President is just a symptom of that system. Where did he learn progressivism? Through our public school system and our colleges. Not only do we need to take back our country we need to take back our schools. Some believe this started when we lost prayer and the ten commandments taken from the schools. But it started a lot longer ago than that. Horace Mann, a humanist, started our public school system. Before that our schools were essentially set up through our churches and some schools were in the church itself as the small communities had only one building for both. But there was a need for education for many who did not fit into this system. Horace Mann was the father of modern education and the schools have had this element of humanism from the beginning. And we have for some reason allowed it to continue. I faced it in kindergarten with our first when the teacher told me she could not teach right from wrong. In other words she could not tell some one why it is wrong to cheat. I was taken back as children need this kind of reinforcement when they are little. How else do you teach right from wrong? After the first year we made a decision our children would go to christian school. And it was one of the best decisions we ever made. I am not saying it is wrong to have your children in public school, but you will battle progressivism everyday they are in there. I encountered it again when our youngest went to a junior college. Every time he came home he told me the teacher had talked about George Bush during the 2004 election. Of course it was not favorable. I made a mistake in not taking it up with the school as they are there to teach the kids not lecture politics. When Pres. bush was re-elected the teacher actually got up and apologized to the class for his second term as president. This goes on in our colleges all the time. So we have spawned President Obama and he really does not understand what is wrong with his thinking. It is instilled in him and all of us have some progressivism instilled in us. We have an entire generation if young people with this teaching and we are reaping the results of our lethargy to take care of this problem. Marna

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