Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Are We Living In A Police Sate?

Some believe we are approaching the era of living in a police state. Obama though that when he came back from his back to back foreign trips he would be facing  fights over tax cuts, spending and the deficit. Instead he is entwined with a growing concern over the Thanksgiving holiday travel and the new TSA procedures. Some airports are thinking of doing away with the TSA and putting in their own security teams. Now foremost on Americans minds and the main headlines for several days are the pat downs and screenings Americans are very much concerned about. And the calloused TSA has no compassion or care about how we feel about it.
Obama has tried to explain much to his dismay why the new pat downs are necessary. Many believe these procedures don't even detect the elements that the Christmas day bomber and other terrorist were carrying to stop an explosion in the first place.
But, the pat downs are causing so much grievance the administration is starting to think of backing down, especially with the extra time it is going to take to get through the lines for holiday traffic in the first place.
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton admits she herself would not care to go through such a procedure. She said she would prefer not to have to submit to an invasive pat down. " Not if I could avoid it" Ms Clinton said " No, I mean, who would."
Bruce Huffman an a expert on terrorism said he would like to consider an Israeli-style approach to identifying passengers who are a risk which is based on advance intelligence.
Not to add the story of the 61 year old man, a cancer survivor, who wears a bag to collect urine. He was patted down so ruffly his bag burst and left him in tears as he boarded his flight. "I was absolutely humiliated." He told MSNBC.com

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