Monday, November 15, 2010

Ryan Graves, 27 Year Old Seeks Help Running For Chicago Mayor

Ryan Graves,  a 27 year old  from Mount Greenwood, where I live, wants to run for mayor. He is single and lives with his parents. He is a Democratic precinct captain in the 19th ward of Chicago. Ryan is going door to door 8-10 hours a day trying to get 12,500 signatures to get on the ballot. Why am I, a conservative writing about this? Because I am vitally concerned our young people becoming involved in the political process no matter what side they are on. Without their interest in politics our country will not survive. Secondly he is running against Rham Emanuel. the last person I want as Mayor of Chicago. With him in office we would only be continuing the chain of command from the unions on down. Now is our chance to try too remove this curse on Chicago.
Emanuel plans to spend 8 million dollars running for mayor. Graves has so far spent $10,000 of his own money. He didn't even tell his own parents for fear they would think he was crazy.
Graves said after Sheriff Tom Dart dropped out Ryan could see no one to vote for. He has been standing at the Metra station collecting signatures.
I like this guy. He has guts. His friends say he has no hidden agenda. More than we can say for our current President. He is interested in making a difference.These are the kind of young people we need to make a change in politics. "He says he is running as someone who understands the working man and the average guy and what the economy is like for him. Exactly near to something I said in a recent article in the SouthTown. How can a rich man like Daley understand the average man on the south side of Chicago trying to raise a family? He is totally out of sink with what is happening down here at our level.
People say he has no chance against the heavy hitters who would run against him. Ryan says " Give me a chance." "Let me get on the ballot. I think the people of the south side deserve a voice."

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