Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Talk At The Breakfast Diner

Well, a lot happened yesterday, my car went into the shop for the  transmission, my lawyer wanted me to come downtown immediately to talk to him. So here is how it went. I went of course over to vote. Surprisingly we actually had Republican signs at the voting place. You say, what's so great about that? Rarely are there Republican signs in Chicago. Most of you don't understand the Dems machine going on here. Then I went to take the car over and the mechanic took me to the train stop. At the train stop I had time to reflect on how good it felt to vote. Be it Dem or Rep, there is just something that feels good inside that you had a little say in this great country of ours. On the way to downtown I saw more Republican signs, some were twisted and dented and torn, but they were still standing. As I arrived downtown there were people with Dems stickers stuck on their coats, I felt like I was Dems heaven. I asked the cab driver. Did you vote, he said no I am not a citizen yet, but I pay my taxes. Then I got to the lawyers office and we talked a little and found out he was a conservative and that he had lived in London for 11 years. He did ask me if I was a Bronco fan, since I came from Denver. Then we got down to business. It has something to do with the papers I filed a while back with Lisa Madison, Chicago police and FBI. I told him so far it took the Chicago police to call me 28 days after I filed. And so far I received one post card from Lisa Madison, state attorney general. The incident happened the end of August. We supposed that maybe Lisa was busy running for office. People aren't very happy with her either and her signs were crinkled too. Fortunately for me the lawyer was around the corner from Macy's so my day wasn't completely wrecked. And it made my day worth the trip. I came home and was completely worn out, but of course it was a very interesting night, if you were a Republican.
This morning I went over  for some coffee at the diner and of course the election was the talk of the town. I was surprised so many were very unhappy about Harry Reid, and me too. And of course talk of Sarah Palin. The Gov. race so far undecided. This happens a lot here. Neither is giving up at this point. It is a pivotal point in our country's history. Most decidedly Americans do not like Obama's agenda. Of course economy the main concern, one in four homes in Chicago nearing forecloser. They talk of fear this could harm the banking and financial business. You think how President Obama doesn't think the American people are that smart. He needs to walk over to the corner diner and listen to these people talk.  They are a lot smarter than he thinks and they know what is going on. God Bless America.

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