Thursday, November 4, 2010

Somehow We Need To Get Unions Out Of Politics

Why do the unions give millions and millions of dollars to Democrats out of members dues? 60% of union workers want this practise to stop. Take this money and apply it to the workers pension funds. They deserve it, it comes out of their sweat, blood and tears. Why do the unions give this money to the Dems when they are falling into unfunded debt. According to the Chicago Booth School of Business of all the 50 states the total unfunded liability is 3 Trillion dollars. In Illinois where I live we have unfunded pension obligations of 80 billion dollars. Also we have unfunded retiree obligations of 40 billion more. Also according to another report by Northwestern and Rochester university, Chicago unions have pension assets that can pay only through 2020. These problems have increase with the recession as more and more people are being laid off from state and local governments. Leaving less people putting into the funds. Also the problems will increase as state and local officials will spend more money on pension and retiree funds instead of programs like police, schools, infrastructure , etc.
The reason they will pay more as they give promises by politicians during elections the government unions will receive more monies building grand expectations with other peoples money. An expectation that Obama used during the election to build false hope that he can now not deliver. Somehow we need to get the unions out of elections.

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