Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Paul Ryan - "An Agenda Founded in our Founding Priciples"

Paul Ryan spoke with Meet the Press host on compromises he has met to reach across the isle. We must fight for our principles and yet we need to find common ground to base compromises. In the past few months we have passed more things than in 40 years. The house has passed a spending bill to advance republican priorities.

Paul Ryan - "we need an agenda rooted in our founding principles."
" I want to make sure that we have an agenda that we take to the American people that is rooted in our founding principles, that is what conservatives believe to give the country a clear choice. That's what we're excited and looking forward to in 2016. And so, I really don't think about or pay attention to various criticisms that you are going to have. No matter what you do in this job, you're going to get criticized. The question is, are you keeping your principles intact? Are you advancing ideas that make a difference in peoples lives. And in 2016, are you going to be giving American's a choice so the people of this country get to decide what kind of country we are going to have. If we just do nothing, if we just become an opposition party only, then we will not give the people of this country the choice they deserve. That's why I know we're going to go on offence in 2016 and I am looking forward to doing that.

During this interview the host kept trying to draw Ryan off onto what he felt about Trump and other issues of criticisms about Ryan, but Ryan kept to the point and where he wants to take the country as far as keeping to our republican principles. Do these principles make a difference and will they help the country? Think about where this President has lead us into left wing ideas and think about how much this country has suffered under his leadership. The President has lead a far left agenda and that is all that is important to him. It has cost us jobs. It has cost us self esteem. He wants to lead us into socialism and that leads us adrift of what built this country in the first place. What built America? Capitalism and manufacturing. These are two things we need to get back on track. We need to start making things again and building our trade to other countries. That is what is needed to get back into driving our economy forward.

We need strong leadership with people who have a vision for America. The kind of America that made us proud to be an American. Don't let the left confuse you. They want change in another direction, a direction that binds free enterprise and tangles us in the ropes of larger government with more control over us. In a sense we need to be untangled and left to build our own futures with hope and dreams of making our own products and inventions.

I like what Ryan says, we need to get away from just being an opposition party. We need to give clear choices, that make differences in peoples lives. So we the people decide what kind of country we want to have. To be a country again of focus on freedom and to the the persuit of happiness, and give them the choice's they deserve.

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Rahm says McCarthy Out

Rahm Emanuel finally let Superintendent Gary McCarthy go today after a rough weekend on the streets of Chicago. But the people say this is only one of three they want gone.

But even the mayor agreed something had to give following turbulent days with people crying out about the Chicago police. The thing that broke the mayor was the death of Lequan Mcdonald and after a year of fighting over a video tape that was never released from a death nearly a year ago. 

The mayor still standing behind his decision not to release the tape because he stated it would hamper & compromise  evidence before a trial. The tape is now released. 

The mayor first announced a 6 member panel formed to improve Accountability and Oversight. Many feel this is just a dodge to lower tempers. That nothing will be accomplished. They feel a top to bottom change needs to happen to reform the police department.

Then he said he had removed McCarthy from commissioner with a interim Jon Escalonte. Emanuel said the department needed to have an early warning system to keep track of officers who had done offences. We need to restore confidence in the department. We must restore trust in the police chief.

Rahm said I am responsible, trust in McCarthy had fallen. He said the task force will meet and make recommendations on March 30th. McCarthy could not go forward leading the police department.

Is it any wonder with all the murders in Chicago that Rahm's resignation has not been called for before. Because they kept the video and other information for the reason of the trial, many people feel there is a definite cover up. Calling for also the resignation of Anita Alvarez, saying she also has lost her integrity. There are just too many unanswered questions.

Therefore faith in the process and loss of faith in the polices has eroded to this point. Taking out McCarthy is only the tip of the problem. A faith group called Community Renewal Committee made up of about 75 pastors are calling for a Independent police auditor reforming the entire department. 
This group is going to put the mayor and the city under a lot of pressure for results.

Is it any wonder for the first time I have seen Rahm a little nervous when calls came from the crowd for his resignation. He did not respond to this but to me he looked shaken.

It was a rough weekend of people marching in the city. Mostly peaceful but you could see it was getting very aggravated. 75% of the murders in Chicago have not been solved. Mccarthy's removal only calmed the storm, but will that keep the turbulence under control? Will it ever be save for people to walk the streets in Chicago and children feel free to play in their own yards? There is a lot to be accomplished.

Monday, November 16, 2015

France A Country Attacked by Jihadist Terrorists

British Prime Minister David Cameron after the killing of Mohammed Enwazi {Jihadi John} in Syria.  "Britain and her allies will not rest until we have defeated this evil terrorist death cult, and the poisonist idealology on which it feeds."

The French government has declared a state of emergency, brought troops to secure Paris, and the countries borders are now closed. 129 people were killed with many attacks, at a restaurant, one near the Bataclan Concert avenue, ane the Stade of France, where the soccer team plays for France.

This all following after a Russian airline was taken down flying from Egypt to St Petersburg.The US and British authorities now believe this also was a terrorist attack.
They beleive this all stems from a drone strike Thursday on a terrorist known as Jihadi John.

They beleive this is a planned attack because the attack was well- coordinated. But it was made to look like a strike at the Jihadi John attack.

The Paris people returned to work today, with fear and anger. and with a resolve to retaliate and overcome ISIS with help from other countries uncluding the United States.

The largest attack since 9/11,  shows the growing power of ISIS and it's ability to cause fear and distruction in the hearts and minds of the people of France. ISIS is a force to be dealt with and quickly. They have the desire to take lives and land with no remorse or fear of what they are doing. They even behead children and the elderly. With a clear cut hatred for Christianity and any one who claims faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. 

Paris is in the grip of an enemy and is already making plans for retaliation. The Eiffle Tower is illuminated in blue, white and red in honor of the Paris Terror Attacks. My we and others stand clearly behind them at this time because next time it could be us. God's  blessings for those who take a stand against this evil force that has come apon us.

Friday, November 13, 2015

One Million people on Affordable Care Act may loose their health Insurance

People with modest incomes on health care subsidies may loose their insurance because they did not file income tax returns. The rule is, if you receive an insurance subsidy you must also file a tax return to prove that person was eligible for financial assistance

When you file this year there is a new question. Did you file for a 2014 tax return and reconcile any premium tax credit you used? The problem being many people who file for a subsidy live on low incomes and don't usually file a tax return. They now must file. Your subsidy is based upon an expected income for the coming year.

The premium tax credit form, the dreaded 8962, is really hard,"Eileen P Duppan. It's enough to make you cry. That form, it was almost impossible to figure out.

Another problem people must compare tax credits based on projected income with the amount they actually were able to receive for the year. If they receive more, they must pay back the excess, and the government can deduct it from their tax refunds.

Christian Speidel, tax lawyer, "A substantial number of people are at risk for loosing their health insurance subsidies. The I.R.S. sent out more than one million letters to people who have received payments paid but have not filed their tax returns. "If you do not file a 2014 tax return you will be responsible for the full cost of your monthly premium and all covered services." The letter said.

People are fearful. Many feel anger. Without the subsidy they cannot afford health insuracne. Most of all, if they did not file for taxes and do not return in the fall to the market place they can be automatically re-enrolled at the full price only to find out the subsidies are cut to zero.

May I also add may God have mercy on these dear people who have lost their health care and a big bill from the government. Is this what the President called for? Millions of people loosing their health care simply because they did not file for taxes? And if not coming back to the market place in the fall they can be automatically re-enrolled at the FULL PRICE and subsidies cut to zero?

I encourage all who are in this predicament to at least go to Health or a local insurance councilor to assist yo, because you failed to file and reconcile your 2014 tax credit.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Did Trump Win The Debate?

Donald Trump -  a scary thought came to mind at the beginning of the debate because we aren't even sure what he will run as An Independent? A Republican? A Democrat? As Carly Fiorina said "He's changed his mind on everything from healthcare to abortion. {What are the principles on which he would govern?}"

Even doubts as to his net worth, and he's worth a lot no doubt, but he says it is 10 billion, but outside estimates put the figuire lower. In June he said he net worth was about 8.7 billion, but Forbes even less at 4 billion.

Many say Trump won the debate but there are some doubts to his statement the Mexican government is sending us prisoners, drug pushers and dangerous felons. When pressed as to his source he said the guards at the border crossings told him this information.

Megyn Kelly was fired at ounce more for saying ugly things about him but if you look at the
May references about their meeting on the air, she merely pointed out that he has never been a lawmaker,or a governor and lacks experience in these areas. Which he does lack expertise, he is a business man, it was an accurate statement.  She is now on his bad list with others, such as Rosie, who some how got also into the debate.

My response to this is, how would he handle high level talks with diplomats from other countries, or would he fly off the handle, and let loose his tongue, ripping some one apart.  Did he look presidential? Giving clear facts, and on which principles he stood? And why did he give money to the Clintons?

I like Trump, I have even been to his seminars on moneymaking. I learned a lot. But from the debate I really learned very little about how he would run the country.  I would like to give him a second chance, but at this point I have more questions than answers.

I felt good after the debate, there were some really good answers I felt from the candidates. I felt like the country does have a chance at recovering with a good president. Lately I have heard people say things like, this isn't America anymore. And people feel we are loosing more jobs, even though we have gained some. I believe as long as people feel the country is in bad shape and the recovery is too slow they will vote with their feelings rather than facts

The person who wins the election will be the one who can convince us the most he or she can rebuild the country making jobs a priority and winning against Isis and other warring factors against us. It will be a person who can make us feel safe again. That we can trust again. It is going to be more about feeling than facts. So people can say this feels like America again, the place where I grew up. The place were my children and grandchildren can be safe. God Bless America

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Trump Front-Runner Of The Republican Field For Debate

According to a New York magazine Trump ask former mayor Rudy Giuliani to reach out to Fox News Channel CEO Roger Ailes for a special favor. The report said "Team Trump feared taking a prime-time beating from moderator and Fox anchor Megan Kelly."

Giuliani slammed the report "as categorically, absolutely, one million percent false" in an interview with the Daily News.

Giuliani "We've talked about the campaign and what New Hampshire is like and what Iowa is like, but we have never talked about the debate - not even once."

All this stems from a contentious interview in May Kelly had with Trump. Kelly 'You haven't been a military leader and you haven't governed a state or been a lawmaker" she said on "The Kelly File"

Trump "I make great deals - I've made hundreds of millions of dollars against China." All over the world I make money, and I build great things"

Trump is going to be front and center she told USA Today in an interview. And vows to be "respectful" towards all candidates with her colleagues Bret Bair and Chris Wallace while running the debate.

Trump admits to being a little nervous. "If you are not nervous, you're going to be flat." And also admitted on O'Reilly Factor that he has never debated before.

So here we are with our first debate for the Republican's with Trump front and center. While downplaying and trying to lower expectations he is like everyone else in the debate. He needs to at least sound presidential and seem to know what he is talking about. Most important looking like a credible candidate and able to handle most everything thrown at him. However one debate does not a president make, but it will define what the candidates believe. And hopefully speak intelligently about the problems America has and some solutions to set before us.

I know we say at each election, this election is critical.. But this time it is crucially true, are we going to continue the course we are having of lost jobs, higher utility bills, higher and higher taxes and not gaining on the war against our enemies?? God Bless America


Friday, May 8, 2015

NSA Phone Program Not Authorized In The Patriot Act

Both President's Bush and Obama have stated that the Phone Program of the NSA was legal. However the appellate court last Thursday ruled that it was never authorized by existing law.

The House Judiciary Committee passed a bill last week that would end the bulk collection of telephone and email records because Section 215 expires on June 1st. The law will be changed so that the government will need to obtain the records they need on a case by case basis

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell {R; KY} says there is no time to debate the schedule, and replace Section 215 before the expiration date. Senate Republicans are concerned that national security could be threatened and congress may push a temporary extension with no changes. Also they are not sure it would pass both the House and the Senate because of broad opposition to the program.

Recently retired NSA Director Gen. Keith Alexander "I am concerned if we throw out some of these programs, now we are at risk." Continuing "We're stupid, I got it, in the press, but we shouldn't put American people at risk."

The argument - That both records are inherently relevant to terrorism probes - has been a central premise of the NSA.

"Such an expansive concept of 'relevance' is unprecedented and unwarranted" the judge wrote.

Ruling by the three judge panel was in response by the ACLU wanting the collection of data stopped stating that it violates Americans privacy rights...The ACLU appealed a lower court judge ruling that the program was constitutional thus leading to today's ruling.

The panel sent the case back to lower court judge for further review based on these findings.

So the continuing controversy continues where does our security and safety begin and where does our privacy end. Was the NSA created to become a huge collection for our cell phone use by the government? And how much data is needed for our protection?

Evidently we have reach the point where the current is swaying saying that too much data is being used and unnecessary for our protection. However with ISIS on the move and entering our borders how does the government protect us without this information. Would we be hindering our government from keeping track of the enemy and opening Americans to be at risk. These are the hard questions being asked.

Friday, May 1, 2015

Over 5,000 Victums in Nepal Villages and Rising

Officials now estimate a possible 10,000 lives may eventually be taken by the earthquake with an epicenter in the remote mountains of  Nepal and surrounding area. Helicopters are crisscrossing the area carrying injured and delivering emergency supplies as they can possibly do to help these areas and save lives that are still savable.

Confusion and chaos have caused hospitals to be overwhelmed with tents surrounding the hospital grounds and medical supplies running low. This is a picture of what the people of this region are facing. Many of the country people are waking up with no buildings only rubble to deal with. With an estimate of 5 years or more to rebuild because of the remoteness of the area.

There are thousands who have not even been reached yet because there just isn't enough help to get to them. When they do get there, there are few supplies to help and food is becoming a scarcity in some places. Around the world countries and the U.N. are working to coordinate a system to help in these areas.

Another hindrances are mudslides which are causing landslides blocking aid trucks who still fear 2,500 people are still missing near the quakes epicenter.

Red Cross is needed to get early supplies of basic needs to villages and have a line open already if you would like to help.

Another hindrance as though there isn't enough already are sheets of rain pouring down. Even the U.N.'s Worlds Food Program got mired in mud because of the heavy rainfall. They are working at getting food distributed as quickly as possible.

For the time being to get supplies in United Nations says it will release 15 million dollars from it's emergency response fund for the quake victums, bringing in water, medical supplies and temporary shelters where needed.

To help go to Red Cross, click Where it is needed most and a link will come down saying Nepal Earthquake Relief. You might ad a few prayers in there, they could use some of that too. God Bless these people and all they will have to deal with in their future.

Monday, April 27, 2015

Rand Paul And His Cool Sunglasses

Rand Paul sun glasses which are money makers for his presidential run have run into difficulties. His Ray-Ban sunglasses made by Wayfarer Brand have been asked by the company to take the product off his website. The reason, Rand Paul's campaign had been selling the Ray-Ban glasses without the company's consent. The glasses have the imprinted "Rand" logo on the side and Jane Lehman, who handles the corporate media at Luxottica, Ray-Ban's public relations firm, says  "it was without consent."

Some believe he was going after the look of JFK, who wore a certain sun glass on his campaign. A caption on his site says " I can hear Senator Bentsen now "I knew Jack Kennedy and your not Jack Kennedy." Well, you and I may not be Jack Kennedy but Rand likes Ray-Bans and now we all can own Rand branded Ray-Bans"

Well we may all want these amazing cool JFK look-a-likes but can we afford them at $150.00 a pop?
The site continues to say"$150.00 is more than you might normally pay for sun glasses but these are Ray-Bans and even more, they are indelibly marked with the Rand Brand...and as always, it's a contribution to the Rand Paul for President campaign."

Is this the same man who cries and bemoans the congress for overspending and gorging the peoples monies. It may seem a small example but does it show something in his nature that it's wrong to spend the congresses money incorrectly but it's OK to over price a sun glass for my presidential campaign, after all I need the money in order to run, they all do it. Don't they? I need to ask permission to sell them on my website? Why bother me with small technicalities. I'm running for president.

My feeling, if you will do it for a website, will you do the same for larger matters? Like spending our tax dollars? Rand Paul described the product as "the intersection of politics and cool." Mr. Rand there is nothing cool about doing something without permission and then overcharging the people. In fact there is rather something wrong with it. And this could possibly show another side of Rand Paul we would really not like to see.

Monday, April 20, 2015

Where is the Democratic Party?

Over the weekend the republicans met in New Hampshire for a look at the hopefuls for the high office of the presidency. The field is growing more each day. Why so many? I can't answer but this is a crucial election after six years of an Obama failed presidency. And for the democrats so far one has put her hat in the race.  Clinton leads Rand Paul at 47% to 37%. And according to Rasmussen, she also leads Ted Cruz 47% to 38%. She is at this time showing to be a formidable candidate and has according to sources learned her lessons from the first time. And let's not forget the Clinton's have a strong army of money supporters. We also have a new problem as conservatives, a growing number of people who now call themselves progressives especially in large urban areas. For the republicans this race is not going to be a walk in the park.

But my observation is why is Hillary so far the only candidate, and why is she so far ahead? Why are there at this time no other contenders who can come near her? Have the democrats no others who can make a bid? Does this show a weakness on the democratic side? Does it show a lack of leadership? Does it show the democrats are not clearly defined on what they want to stand on? Have they been so long yes men and women to Obama laying homage at his feet? Can they no longer stand up for themselves?

I myself like the two party system with it's gives and takes. A thinking between the two sides. It is dangerous for us to have a one sided race for the White House on either side. And I call out, Where is the democratic Party? And where does it stand?

Here are the poll numbers for the republicans at this time in New Hampshire Walker 23, Bush 17, Paul 15, Christi 6, Cruz 9, Rubio 7, Huckabee 6, Carson 7

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Alarming Report - Big Business's Increase Of Cyber Attacks By 40%

Cyber attacks have increased greatly this year. Symnatec, the company behind Norton published it's annual internet security report. The report came out saying 5 out of 6 companies, 2,500 employees or more, have been cyber attacked. The main attacks come from phishing or email fraud in 2014. Smaller companies have not escaped with an increase around 30%.

The biggest attacks are maleware - which attacks workers machines to gain access to data. The attacks averaged a million a day last year.

Another loss was to ransomeware which blocks access to a users date until payment is made to hackers. This increased to 113 percent last year.

The reason for the increase is attackers are finding ways to adapt to the technology companies use for protection.

I myself almost fell to a small attack which came to me as a high alert on my computer. It even stalled my computer making me think that Google itself was trying to reach me. The mistake they made is providing a phone #. I did talk to them but by this time I was coming to figure their plot. Because Google usually alerts you through an email or some other way through your computer and never calls you the plan failed and they hung up on me. I did not give them the info they wanted on the phone call.

The plan also failed as it was not a very good one, although some have probably fallen to it.

My advice, Beware, Be smart, Be careful. But don't let these attacks keep you from the enjoyment you have from your computer. Make sure you have good protection

Computers can be used for good and used for bad.


Monday, April 13, 2015

Russia Lifts Bann - Supplies S-300 Missiles to Iran

Russia lifts ban on supplying S-300 missiles to Iran

President Vladimir Putin signs a lifted ban on a sophisticated S-300 defense missiles system. One of the reasons, he cites, because of UN sanctions imposing over Tehran's nuclear program.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Raymond's Small Miracle

Isn't it wonderful when you see God work in a way you can't explain? And neither can the Doctors.

Last week Raymond started not feeling well and as the week progressed Raymond digressed. Finally by Sunday he became very weak and barely walking and we decided he needed to go to the hospital. As we arrived in ER I realized he also could not respond to questions being asked him and I was doing all the talking. After early tests made in the ER we knew even less than before we came and he was admitted. Driving home I could only pray and even this seemed inadequate.

Monday and Tuesday we saw not much improvement as Raymond was turned upside-down in a test they very rarely use, and being tossed about like he was a tumble weed. Followed by the next day with an MRI with a lot of banging sounds that drove him nuts. Still no conclusion.

I came home exhausted and still fear full for his future. Until today, when he calls me bright and cheerful and clear as a bell. He was his own self. Some how overnight he made a complete turn around. He is speaking clearly and even doing some walking. We still have no clear answer from the Dr.'s  Only that possible the chemo had an effect on him. But his symptoms don't really fit that pattern. And the Dr's deny it was a problem with the chemo.

But what I do know is God's people were praying, probably even some we don't even know. And God answered. The Great Healer knew what was wrong because "all" healing comes from him anyway. It is not the Dr's who heal, they are only instruments in His Hands!!

Just a small miracle in Raymond's walk through this unknown world of cancer. And so far he is doing OK.

Thanks to all who prayed. Don't quit just yet and God Bless. Raymond and Marna

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Euro Drops To 12 Year Low Against U.S. Greenback

Euro-dollar drops to 1.0560 against the dollar Wednesday and fell to a 12 year low against the U.S. greenback.

Mario Draghi, president of European Central Bank said "we can deploy and we will deploy monetary policies in a way that can and will stabilise inflation in line with our objective." Remarks made in Frankfurt, three days into it's 1.1 trillion quantitative easing program.

The lowest drop in the euro since 2003 and also against the pound, in spite of a bond buying program started in January to try to stop the deflation.

Wall Street Journal said U.S. Federal Reserve is thinking about dropping it's promise to be "patient" before raising rates in July of this year.

What does this have to do with U.S.? The euro will have low returns and quantitative easing will increase inflation thus increasing U.S. economic strength and same effects for the pound.

Barclay's, the Deutsche Bank, ING, and Credit Swisse believe the dollar will hit parity against the euro - last seen in 2002 - by end of year. Pushing "large scale capital flight from Europe and pushing euro down to 0.85 by 2017,"  analysts from Deutsche Bank.

Monday, March 9, 2015

Obamacare Could Fail From Four Small Word's "Established by the State"

 Obamacare can fail from four small words - "established by the state."

How we could come to this point is really quite unbelievable but here is the crux of the problem. The tax-credit subsidiaries which were offered under the health care law would only be applied to the 16 states that have their own exchanges.

All that is needed is for a majority of the justices to agree that based on these four words found by a lawyer Thomas M Cristina in Greenville, South Carolina that the states not having the exchanges have no foundation to stand on and Obamacare would go into a death spiral.

According to the Obama administration there would be no plans to save Obamacare once the justices reached their conclusion and over 6 million people would loose there health insurance.

The decision will not be know until further in the spring or early summer.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Where Have I Been?

It has been an unusual  year for me as ill health overtook me and laid me pretty much flat for the last year. Not going into too much detail I was in the hospitals 6 times and had three operations. But for some very good Dr's and many prayers I would not still be here. But I'm am here and getting a little better every day.

But the battles for our country have continued on in spite of my problems. And a new political season of presidential races and state races are upon us including our own battles here in Illinois. While for a season we thought perhaps we could rid ourselves of Rahm Emmanuel he is now beginning to advance towards the front runners in Chicago. He still has a chance of becoming mayor again. Much to our dismay. What he holds over others is beyond me as he has raised taxes he said he would never raise. Taken in millions of dollars for red light zones near schools. Caused a major teacher's strike that raised teachers wages more than if he would have just given them an increase to begin with. Creating teachers goals to keep that are unrealistic and nearly impossible to reach. Firing policemen because he didn't have enough money to pay them and then buy new police cars for the department. Well, the list goes on and on.

Our country has suffered much under this President and yet his numbers are rising to nearly a 50% approval rating. Something I will never understand. There are many who believe the country can never be the same again. Call me unrealistic or a dreamer, but I do believe we can make it better than this. This presidential election is critical time for our nation. I still believe it is the conservative values that I was taught long ago that will bring this country back.

I love this country and still want a good place for my children and grandchildren to live and reach the American dream, the pursuit of happiness the Constitution talks about and the American drive and innovation to reach that goal. Maybe that is why I am still here after this most difficult year.

God Bless America