Friday, April 30, 2010

To Have Compassion

One of the ideas Pres. Bush brought was the phrase compassionate conservatism. Can we as a people look at immigration from a compassionate viewpoint. Don't get me wrong with over 241,000 illegals coming into Tuscon last year, that were caught, and it is estimated over 1,000,000 came across the border. 1.3 million pounds of Mariana taken and drugs over taking the city something desperate needed to be done. But we must bear some of the responsibility ourselves for letting this continue the last 20 or more years. We as Americans have even hired some of these people knowing they were illegal. We are part of the problem ourselves and the government hasn't done there part in deporting. Because of the length of time this has continued we have illegals who have homes, businesses, American children, and American grandchildren. It would destroy a certain amount of our economy if we were to deport these people who have American children and American grandchildren for who would support the children left behind. And are you going to deport Americans to Mexico so they can be with their families. And what would happen to their businesses? Here in Chicago we have a large Hispanic business section that sometimes creates as much income as downtown Chicago. I don't know the exact numbers but Hispanic friends of mine have told me figures that are astounding and yet this is rarely displayed in economic papers. These people generate a lot of business $$ to the Chicago economy. I jokingly call this area Little Mexico. I don't know the solution to these problems. Someone a lot smarter than me. But there should be some compassion on this situation. Let us show some mercy and care about a hard working people who we could pattern our families after. I have learned much from these people, one is family unity, faith in God and hard work, work quite frankly some of us don't want to do. We need to stop the problem, secure the borders, and apply the law but let's do it with compassion. Marna

Thursday, April 29, 2010

You Think the Battle is Over But it Ain't

Just when you think things are going to get better sometimes it gets worse. Even though I try to be a positive thinker I also realize there is reality and a real world out there. And right now as much as I want everything to be better it is still not where we want the economy to be or other issues hitting us in the face. And why is it coming all at once? And you try to walk away from it but there are just too many issues going on and even if you go out you run into a friend who brings up the same thing you were trying to avoid. I guess what I am trying to say right now we are in a turning point in our country and there is no way around some issues they just have to be faced. We need to solve immigration. It has gone on too long and now things are bad on the border to where people are being killed. Finance reform needed but how much control over private business do we need? What do we do about Iran and Israel? City's and state governments are at their breaking point and so are we. And of course there is the looming deficit over our heads. And still no jobs to speak of. I am glad we have a God who is still in control and I am still wondering is it because America has wondered away from him and going their own way. I don't know. I just want a future for my children and grandchildren. Marna

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Something Good is Happening- The Promises of God

"For all the promises of God in him are yea, and in him Amen" 2Corin. 1:20. Another teaching in the word tells us "that we should not trust ourselves, but in God". 1 Corin.1:9 And another verse tells us "the arm of flesh will fail us".
When all fails around us and circumstances seem against us, who do you trust yourself or God? It has been calculated there are 31,173 verses in the Bible. Some have said there are 30,000 promises in the word. So there are almost as many promises as verses.
God is not bound by circumstances, we are. Who has the power to help you in those circumstances? You? You will fail yourself? Who has the power to remove the obstacles and hindrances in your life? You? Are you all powerful? How should we deal with a circumstance or problem in our life? In the flesh we try so hard to solve things. I know I do this, I am human too. But at the end I usually have to come to the end and say I can do no more with this situation. And I finally have to come to him. That is where he wanted me in the first place. But I had to try to solve it myself. Where then do you look? To that old book often forsaken sitting somewhere hidden in a corner. Where is that book? Under a pile of papers. Well , I used to have a book like that but I don't know where it is. Could your answers be in that forsaken book? Here is a promise from that book " I will never leave you nor forsake you". Sometimes we walk away from him and may even forget he is there. He does not leave us, we leave him. How can we find the promises to sustain us? By searching his word. God stands behind every promise. He will not fail you and he will sustain you through your circumstance. Something good is happening. God is shining brighter and brighter. Search the promises in his book and see if they will fail you or sustain you. Marna

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Chicago-President Obama's Achilles Heel

What really is going on in President's Obama's back yard? I should know I live here. Because of budget cuts for the City of Chicago we have fewer police and even fewer patrolling at night. Now that Mayor Daily has sold the parking meters to another country he no longer has these funds coming in. Also he sold the Chicago Skyway, an interstate highway between Chicago and Indiana, and will receive no more payments from this sale. Plus without additional stimulus money he used last year the city could fail. Although why they never consider cutting some of the departments they have. Or why we pay these city aldermen $100,000 a year for a part time job seems to fail me. And do we need all these aldermen in the first place, could they not be combined? But I am just a little person and I don't know very much. Higher unemployment in the city amongst Obama's own is causing even more unhappiness. Now with spring there has been an increase in shootings, which for some reason there always has been, but of recent a young toddler was taken the other day. Unrest and instability may become the summer's plight. They are considering bringing in the National Guard, which in my opinion is absolutely necessary one toddler's life is one too many. Will Mayor Daily run in 2011? I don't know especially with his wife's illness. Pile all this on and now being tainted with "Blego's" trial will not help the President. Although at this time not enough evidence he is involved, but "Blego" now pleading guilty is not going down by himself. Unless there is something on the tapes they will not release. And why not release them we paid for them, they are our tapes. If they have nothing to hide, then release the tapes. There is a dark cloud over the city. I love this city and I want it to shine like the city it really is. Marna

Monday, April 26, 2010

The Problem in Washington is far greater than the President

The progressive system has been going for a long time and the President is just a symptom of that system. Where did he learn progressivism? Through our public school system and our colleges. Not only do we need to take back our country we need to take back our schools. Some believe this started when we lost prayer and the ten commandments taken from the schools. But it started a lot longer ago than that. Horace Mann, a humanist, started our public school system. Before that our schools were essentially set up through our churches and some schools were in the church itself as the small communities had only one building for both. But there was a need for education for many who did not fit into this system. Horace Mann was the father of modern education and the schools have had this element of humanism from the beginning. And we have for some reason allowed it to continue. I faced it in kindergarten with our first when the teacher told me she could not teach right from wrong. In other words she could not tell some one why it is wrong to cheat. I was taken back as children need this kind of reinforcement when they are little. How else do you teach right from wrong? After the first year we made a decision our children would go to christian school. And it was one of the best decisions we ever made. I am not saying it is wrong to have your children in public school, but you will battle progressivism everyday they are in there. I encountered it again when our youngest went to a junior college. Every time he came home he told me the teacher had talked about George Bush during the 2004 election. Of course it was not favorable. I made a mistake in not taking it up with the school as they are there to teach the kids not lecture politics. When Pres. bush was re-elected the teacher actually got up and apologized to the class for his second term as president. This goes on in our colleges all the time. So we have spawned President Obama and he really does not understand what is wrong with his thinking. It is instilled in him and all of us have some progressivism instilled in us. We have an entire generation if young people with this teaching and we are reaping the results of our lethargy to take care of this problem. Marna

What I Am Thankful For

Of course my husband and my family, our home, church and friends, but there are little things in everyday life sometimes we even miss.
-In the grocery store a baby smiled at me
-My perennial flowers came up
-My grandson playing baseball
-My granddaughters in a ballet program
-A church member who wrote me a thank you note
-The sunset with beautiful pink sky and dark grey clouds
-My sewing machine fixed and only charged for the cleaning
-My husband getting my car cleaned
-My neighbor helping with some yard work
These may seem little but there are good things that happen every day, and if we aren't looking for them they are missed in our daily cares. Marna

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Israel our Friend not Being Treated so Friendly

Tomorrow in the Wall Street Journal will be a one page add by Noble Peace Prize laureate Elie Wiesel to express his feelings of Obama recently telling Israel not to build housing in Jerusalem. Advisers are warning the Obama White House that the U.S. is not responding to the growing problem in Iran. And that Iran could reach nuclear capability and no one will stop it.
President Obama has stated that they could reach this point and nukes would remain without nothing being done. Israel and other countries around Iran are concerned as Iran would become a serious problem for all nations in that region.
Politics become strange bedfellows as 80 members of the Senate led by Jesse Jackson and house leader Mike Pense's 366 members voted for Obama to join allies for sanctions against Iran. Another vote from the house 412 votes and unanimous vote of Senate to cut off refined petroleum exports also ignored by the White House. Not to mention the two day nuclear summit did not even mention Iran.
How long will this continue? As we can clearly see Obama is trying to appease the Palestinians. A tactic which has never worked. As he tries to make them happy he is making Israel more and more angry and they should be as these missiles will be aimed at Israels back door. Not to mention a military build up at their northern border by Syria. Things are heating up and it looks like Obama isn't even paying attention.
This looks like it could become a pretty serious situation as Israel says the nukes will not remain in Iran. Does the President think someone else is going to come along and relieve this situation or does he realize he is in the middle of a pretty serious situation. Or will Israel take care of it themselves and go after the nukes? Where we are headed is not clear but I hope Obama wakes up soon and smells the roses. Marna

Are You Looking Upward or Crosswise?

Are you looking up or are you looking across?
Are you waking up Sunday morning to watch meet the depressed or are you seeking the God of all encouragement?
Are you on time for a Tea Party Rally or forgot to make it to church?
Are you thinking about the cares of this world or are you looking for the one who cares about you?
Are you counting on others and they let you down or are you looking for the one who will never fail you?
Just what are you looking for? Could it be the one in the dusty cover in the corner of your bookshelf?
Or do you even know where your Bible is? Or do you even have one?
What are you looking for? Something to think about. Marna

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

We Are Troubled on Everyside

"We are troubled on every side, yet not distressed, we are perplexed, but not in despair." 2Corinthians 3:8
We have many troubles surrounding us, our government failing us, finances failing us, people failing us, and much of this perplexes us. But their is one who will never fail you the Lord Jesus Christ. He has a reason for our country going through these trials, for nothing happens outside of His control. Maybe you don't like that but you will have to take that up with Him. I am only an instrument He uses. I do not know the answer why we are going through this but one thing I know if you cling to Christ He will give you strength to go through this time. No matter what we believe politically He is showing us much of the errors we have made as a country. And when we are through this we will be a better people and a stronger country. Cling to Him and trust Him through this time. Marna

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Obama Is Back At It Again

Well, unfortunately here we go again. He is trying to get another bill through on finance reform. Now that he has straightened out medicine he needs to reform wall street. He has such a great mission ahead of him. Apparently how we have been doing things for hundreds of years is completely wrong. Now he must go to the giants of finance and straighten them out. I don't know how we ever got along without him. And once again he has come against those dang republicans who aren't very smart but you have to work with what you have. So now he has a commercial to win over the public. I haven't seen the commercial and I don't really care what is in the commercial. Something about lobbyist and of course he has never influenced the unions. Which is how he controlled Illinois, and got in the white house in the first place. Well, my husband says to forget breaking up the machine here it will never work. I suppose he is right there are some things you learn to live with. He said the other day that the Tea Partier's amuse him. Why do I get the feeling this is all a big game to him? And what about the jobs? Where are they? Are they coming back and does he even think about them? Where are the jobs, Mr President? Marna

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Have No Fear

There are some who say Iran is very close to having nukes and it could be sooner than we think. According to some experts Iran could have nukes any day now. Iran is a regime that believes it could bring back their Messiah, the twelfth I man, Mahdi, a messiah figure if an Apocalypse takes place. There will be no more sanctions against Iran as China considers Iran a client of theirs and would hinder trade involvement.
Who is watching this even closer than us? Israel. After all these missiles are aimed at Israel's back yard and Netanyahu is on his toes. I believe this is one of the reasons why there was such a short session with Pres. Obama a few weeks ago. Although there were also some other politics going on in the back ground you really don't want to know about. But have no fear if Pres. Obama does nothing which looks like this is most possible, Israel will take care of itself. After all Israel according to the scriptures is the apple of God's eye. What does that mean? They are a special people close to the heart of God. Remember the six day war massive armies came up against Israel and with God's strength they were stood down. I have no fear of the situation because Israel can take care of it's self. And it will make Pres. Obama look like a wimp. That is what he deserves for snubbing God's special people and their leader a few weeks ago. I have faith in Israel and their God because He is our God also. God will take care of this situation and He alone will get the glory. Have no Fear. Marna

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

"Hello, Houston we have Problem Here"

66% of the people feel they are being over taxed and it is going to get worse with a more than possible 20% VAT tax from the federal government. That means they can tax anything you purchase by 20%. Seems unreal but in Europe they do it all the time. And that is where we are headed. We could do a fair tax but that is for another time, it would take up too much time now to explain. One democrat's response-people always feel they are being over taxed. During the phone campaign to kill the bill democrats said we always have more no phone calls than yes. They were in denial that 77% of the people did not want this bill, not health care reform we all know we need that, they did not want this bill. But they must have received some idea of unhappiness as there were few town hall meetings during the spring break. The President said that most people will be happy once they see how it works. And they showed him their happiness by his approval rating dropping to 43% about a 5% drop from before the bill. One congressman said sometimes you have to make an unpopular decision when you know something is right to do. Evidently 20 states so far think this is the wrong thing to do and are suing on the premise that it is unconstitutional for the federal government to make us pay for something. This is murky water and a decision will be made probably by the supreme court. I feel a far greater problem exists and that is, is it legal for the federal government to control private business to the point it literally drives that business out of business? If it is we are in deep water as I used to tell my children when they were in trouble. Listen folks, if this is legal they can put so many controls on your business until they literally drive you out of business . Or they could take everything you have. Well, isn't that what they are doing to the insurance companies and the doctors? These doctors spend their lives building their private practices and now they are going to tell these private business men how to treat their patients. How do they have the right to do that? They are in private practice and these are patients who have chosen to come to them. They could come in on you and tell you what you can do with whatever business you are in to the point of destroying your business. No one is even talking about this and there is no out cry because they went after medicine but just replace that with your business. We should be demanding that there be new laws that this can never happen again. If we have already given them the banks, the car industry and now medicine what is the tipping point to which they have everything in their control? Am I crazy? Do I need help? Or" Hello, Houston we have problem here".

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Are You An Over Comer?

While we all feel like the recession has already lasted too long they say we might have another two years of what we are going through and perhaps more. And you ask yourself how will we ever get through this?
But as I was looking at a scripture the other day I came across the phrase overcomer. Of course from a scriptural viewpoint this is speaking of being an overcomer through Christ. But I am thinking about this word in the sense of overcoming in our daily lives and just what is an over comer?
I think this is a grate phrase because it could also mean overcoming anything that is hindering us from succeeding. How can I overcome this job market? How can we overcome this problem in our life, our marriage, with our children, our businesses. All seems so overwhelming at this time. But like anything else if we let our thinking control us we can be overcome even by our own thinking. I think we should decide to be an overcomer inside of ourselves. To think of ourselves as overcomers as though we have already done the things we need to do to be successful. Brian Tracy in his self discipline CD talks of visually in our mind seeing ourselves where we would like to be and work towards this goal. Are you an overcomer? Can you in your mind decide to be an overcomer? I have decided to be an overcomer. We will get through this recession. My Dad told me once when I was going through a hard time that this would be a time in my life when I would be more creative and do things I thought I never thought I could do. Dad is gone now but I know he is still rooting for me. Marna

6 Reasons Why we Need to Stay in the Republican Party

1. The Party still has it's main core principles it is individuals who have swerved from the fiscal conservative values.
2. We must stay united, strong and firm. If we aren't the progressives will surely feel our disunity.
3. Tea Partier's have basically the same core values only they believe strongly in the Constitution. They will continue in the party if they feel we are still standing on these values.
4.Throughout 2010 many of the more liberal Republicans will be voted out simply for their over spending
5. Leaving the party to form a third party will only put Barack Obama back in power again in 2012. Believe me he is calculating this very carefully as he still has a 43% favorable rating.
6. Staying with the party is the only way to win in 2012.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

I spent the day with my grand kids

Well, as usual I had a great time with my grandchildren. I took over Easter dresses I had made for the girls, and of course Easter baskets, plenty of candy and gifts. My grandson received a basket that looked like a soccer ball. Then we went to the stores to get my grandson clothes and shoes for everyone. All in all we were gone a little over 2 hours and I came back totally exhausted. My daughter-in-law had a wedding shower so she took the girls and I remained with my son and grandson. Our conversation turned to Obama care and my son is very concerned about how much his health insurance is going to increase and how much taxes are going to be taken from a new raise he just received. I am concerned also as the President has laid a heavy burden on my children and my grandchildren. My son and I talked quite a while about his concerns for his family and their future and I am concerned also. I am not sure the President understands what he has done to us. He went on and on in the campaign about the deficit of President Bush, but he has tripled that deficit in 1year and 3months of his term. Now left for him, how to find new ways to tax us to lower the deficit. New unemployment figures aren't much better either, but he has given very little help to small business men who are in essence carrying this country right now. He said in State of the Union speech that we could cut capital gains tax. Have you noticed how he throws a few bones to the republicans to keep us happy for a while? But with Obama care capital gains will be taxed 35 to 42% hurting small businesses more. And the tax credit for new people hired is a joke because you hire someone because your business is doing better. How is a $1,000 tax credit going to help when you can't afford their wages in the first place. In my opinion he is driving us deeper into the recession and will continue to do so if he continues on the path he is taking. Without a doubt he isn't going to change anytime soon and will continue on with his agenda. Hope you had a wonderful Easter, for without Christ and the Resurrection we would have no hope. Marna

Thursday, April 1, 2010

I Like the Tea Party but

Tea Party is a combination of Independents, Libertarians, Republicans, Democrates, & Others. How will they vote can be possibly reflected in the Illinois Primary which was a total flip -flop of votes shortly before the election. Being a from Chicago and coming out of the polls that day I heard many say, I didn't even know who to vote for. And how could they, five Republicans jumped into the race just weeks before the election. Of course that will not happen in the fall. But people literally did not know who they were going to vote for until the very end. If this is any indication of how people will vote in the future fall elections there will be no rhyme or reason why they are voting. Which is pretty scary. Tea Partiers can cause a pretty upsetting result as they don't really vote for one party or the other. They are more for causes than party platform. And if they divide the vote between causes and Parties they will automatically re-elect Obama. I like Tea Partiers but the up coming elections are going to be wild and unpredictable. They can change like the wind as we saw here in Illinois. Now in Chicago we have a fairly inexperienced canidate running againt the Democratic machine canidate. Why do we have these problems and have for a long time? One problem Republican Party hardly comes in the state to help us because they write us off as a blue state. Even though we contribute fairly well to the party. Last two elections no one ran against Mayor Daily. No big wigs came into the state to help us. They are more concerned going to Pennylvania or Ohio and battle for the who knows who they are going to vote for last voters who decide the election. Two or three times John McCain came here and it was for $1,000.00 diners up north. South side doesn't even count. So you arm chair quarterbacks who complain about Chicago-Style Politics come here and help us try to beat this Democratic Machine and maybe there won't be another Barack Obama. Well, anyway that is my pet peave and you'll more than likely hear it again.