Thursday, August 5, 2010

"And Everyman Did That Which Was Right in His Own Eyes" Judges 21:25

In the overturning, and now appealed, Proposition 8 a judge ruled in his own favor, not the will of the people. Right now we do not have, of the people, by the people, and for the people. But we have every man ruling in his own eyes. We have an activist judge who did not rule the will of the people. Which by the way is in the Constitution. Our forefather's came from Europe because they could not worship, they could not bear arms, or live peacefully. That is pretty close to where we are here. But our forefathers fought long and hard over this Constitution of ours, and until now it has ruled us well, and it WILL continue to rule us well. The answer, to vote this coming fall like you have never voted before. Vote for those who believe in the rule of the people, vote for those who will appoint good judges who rule in favor of the people. Vote for those who stand on the Constitution and believe in it. If we are {and we are} a country, of the people, by the people and for the people, that means majority rule. The majority of people in this country believe in husband and a wife in a marriage.  At the time of the Judges in the Old Testament the Jew's, God's special people did not have a ruler. Thus, everyone became their own ruler. History repeats it's self, does it not? Why, when we have tried things before and they didn't work, do we try to turn around and try it again? This Constitution has stood well for the last 200 years plus and it will continue to stand. All we have to do is follow it. Vote on November 2nd, 2010.

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