Saturday, August 21, 2010

Obama Declares Victory and War Ended, but Violence Continues

Much spin was given by President Obama that the Iraq War was over and as promised on schedule on Monday
Praising himself for a success for his administration and not even mentioning President Bush. Nor the fact that this agreement was made under President Bush in 2008, and for all troops to be gone from Iraq by the end of next year.
Obama did say that we have not heard the end of American sacrifice in Iraq. Remember he said on the campaign that we could leave and we could always come back in. Just as yesterday on Iran he said if they shoot off a bomb then we will attack. This is the kind of military we have now. With this policy nothing really could be done yesterday. Leaving us with an Iran that will now have nukes. He is the one responsible for this. By not standing behind Israel and helping them to put a stop to the reactor being fueled,  he opened the door for a can of worms. Iran will now become a festering, uncontrollable, place for terrorist to hide. And with Iran wanting to put in 20 more of these reactors it is going to now become a real mess to handle.
I am not sure Iraq will be much better, as it has a long way to go before becoming stable. It is highly fragile, when on the same day as declaring victory, two bombings and a drive by shooting killed eight people on Monday.
These attacks are daily, even in Baghdad. Will Iraq's forces be fully capable of controlling such occurrences? Especially when July was deadliest month in two years.
Iraq's leaders are still trying to form a government. Many fear that Obama's announcement of withdrawal could cause more violence.
There was an attack late Friday and continued through the weekend when 24 people were killed and tortured in a village south of Baghdad. 5 women and the rest men were tied up and brutally beaten, even though we have declared victory. So we see although we have declared victory it will remain to be seen if violence will actually decrease or will it increase?
For now Welcome Home Troops and lets give President Bush his due!!!

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