Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Reflections on Glenn Beck Rally

I am not sure where our country is going. We will either follow evil or good. Evil comes in different disguises. It can look good and appealing. It can look like an answer to America's problems. We can fall into the rhetoric and not fully understand the consequences. It's easy to put things in pretty words and made it sound so good. But what is really being said?
Glenn Beck had a non-political rally, peaceful, anyone invited, an open invitation to all. It was about truth, integrity, principles and leading a right kind of life. And yet he still had criticism. It is amazing that there are those who find fault in everything. Here was their complaint. America is a country of non -believers, atheists, agnostics and other faiths other than judeo-christian beliefs. Therefore we should not thrust our ideals of  christian principles and ethics on others. I beg to take difference, I know some agnostics, I have talked with atheists and the such, funny thing even though they have their beliefs they still believe in virtue, integrity, morality, and ethics. Be you christian nor not, we fail to realize we have these ethical beliefs  from God. We don't know what is right and wrong. We know what is right and wrong because God tells us these things are wrong. You can not separate right and wrong teaching from politics. Without right teaching politics will fail. With out right teaching society will fail.
It is OK to have a rally on living and being a moral country.  Which way will America walk? Will she be a nation that continues on with Judeo-christian values or will she fall into the hands of no decency, loss of honor and integrity? These are the moral values that are at stake. If we loose our morals we will not be a great nation that leads others to democracy and freedom. We will fall from our standing in the world.
A few years ago we went as a family to Washington D.C.. I saw the White House for the first time. I stood there in awe. Why? Because it was so white, glistening in the sun like a lighthouse in the world. I actually had tears in my eyes and started to cry. I felt silly, why am I crying? And it hit me, because of this beautiful building and all it stands for.White the color of purity and honor, cleanness and uprightness. May America remain the bright hope in the world to show others the way of democracy, freedom and hope.

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