Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Ronald Reagan on State Leadership

"There are a great many things that the state government should do that the federal government has no business doing." Ronald Reagan
A few months ago when this immigration problem arose I made an observation. Would this debate become greater than the Immigration question? Unfortunately my observation has become a reality. My thoughts at that time were, would this become a Federal Government verses States Rights issue? Not only has it elevated to that point but now healthcare has joined in the battle. Missouri voters rejected the Healthcare Law. According to State Senator Jim Lembe {R}" First and foremost, this was about defining the role of state government and the role of federal government.  Whether it's here in Missouri with healthcare or in Arizona with illegal immigration, the states are going to get together now." This will become the rising battle and heated debate, and it is going to be a rough ride. The question of States Rights over Federal Government will be the great Question. The traditional conservative belief of small federal government and more power to the States will be the cry of the right. While the largest federal government we have ever had will try to bully the states back into control by the left.  This debate will surpass healthcare reform and immigration combined, as the federalist have been studying their constitution's and even carrying them around with them. I love these people as I ran into one on vacation. She was staying at the same place we were. She had something in her hand, I though it might be a small Bible. No, it was her copy of the constitution.  What will happen? We will realize our federal government is far too big and is encroaching on and over our states rights. Who will win, if I understand the Constitution, The States.  We are the only democracy with fifty self governing states, it makes us unique, and it is why our Union is so strong.

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