Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Is Colorado's Primary a Sign of Coming Battles in November's Races?

Well. last night was a night of emotions for me. We celebrated our 42 Anniversary and had a great time. I should have left it at that. But no, I wanted to see what happened in Colorado, being a Colorado native, and I am not very happy. The race became a national campaign with the Romanoff controversy heading it off. He stayed in the race instead of stepping down as the Obama administration wanted him to. To that I give him thumbs up as he did not bend to the all powerful one. He also recently sold his house to stay in the race.  I realize he is pretty liberal compared to the man who won, Sen. Micheal Bennett. But this guy showed a lot of guts. And I like that. Bennett was appointed 20 months ago and said he has never had his name on a ballot before. This caused a bitter battle amongst Democrats. The party is very divided and Democratic National Committee Chairman Tim Kaine will come to speak at a unity event soon.
Then I was also discouraged with the race between Scott McInnis and Dan Maes for governor. Both candidates have some baggage, and that doesn't help. Maes is ahead but McInnis has not conceded.  The better of the two of course is McInnis as Maes has a way of putting his foot in his mouth and saying some pretty dumb things. Colorado really needs a good candidate to get rid of Hickenritter.
Citizens in Colorado are not happy with Hickenritter, as they feel he is turning the state into a sanctuary state, he will continue to raise taxes, and discourage business's from coming. They have a nick name for him "Hickdalooper" and feel he has lost the state a lot of jobs already.
The other race was GOP Weld County District Attorney Ken Buck beat off Lt. Gov. Jane Norton.  Here again I was disappointed as I felt Jane Norton was the more fiscal conservative, and takes a strong stand for traditional family values. Many Coloradoans are disappointed as these were very close races. 
These races show it is going to be a hard battle in November. The votes are going to be very close. It is not going to be a walk in the park to get rid of the liberals now controlling congress. Every vote will count.You must not stay home on Nov. 2nd. You must go out and vote.

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