Monday, August 16, 2010

It's Not the Republicans Who Are Scaring the Seniors.

Once again on Saturday the President came in on the Republicans, blaming them for wanting to privatize social security, and SCARING the seniors. Personally I like the privatization idea because I think you would have a lot more money at retirement. But he is taking a page out of Clinton's book again, and twisting it around to sound like the Republicans are going to destroy social security. What the President is looking for are those seniors who are slipping away from him, because Obamacare IS SCARING them. The seniors already see the hand writing on the wall, and know they are loosing not gaining things they now have in Medicare. After all we must all give a little for everyone to have a share. They will  lose dental and eyecare, and more is coming down the pike. They are also scared because the Obama policies and economy are failing.  We can not and must not keep throwing money at the problem. It's obviously not working. The democrats' failed policies have only plunged us further into the recession. This was to be the summer of recovery. I wish it were, but the facts and figures are just not there.
Once again Nancy calls everyone back to vote on 26 Billion package to save teacher's, firemen and policemen. There are, believe it or not states who really do not need this money, but they are still going to receive money anyway. Nancy is the great mother of us all. The nanny state must stop the children from falling. Some have asked if it is constitutional for the feds to give the states this money. I don't know. I just know there is no more money left. How much more can we keep bailing people out? And who is going to come and bail us out? This endless cycle of giving out money we don't have must end and will if you go out and vote Nov.2nd.

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