Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Two Big Wins Yesterday, Sen. John McCain and Marco Rubio

Senator John McCain wins after a hard battle and should have no problems for making a win in Nov. However he says he still will fight to win. I am happy because he has been a strong force for Republicans and has attempted to battle Obama at almost every level. If nothing else he is a thorn in his side and will continue to be as long as he has breath to speak up. He is especially fervent about Obama making an announcement for withdrawing troops from Afghanistan on a time table. To me it is ridiculous to tell the enemy when you are leaving, even almost childish. And also to have a policy that we are an umbrella and if some one bombs we will bomb back. In a nuke filled world this is not reliable because there will be no one left to bomb. One nuke could wipe out the small country of Israel. There are also reports that the Iranians are much closer than we think to having nuclear weapons.  We have really no idea what is going on between them and the Russians
There will be three way race for Kendrick Meeks , Charlie Christ, and Marco Rubio. A quote from Rubio "I always knew I'd have to run against two people who support the Barak Obama agenda. I just didn't know I would have to run against them at the same time".. Marco
Rubio 8/22/10.  Rubio had raised $45,000 online by Monday and said they would reach $70,000 goal and exceed it. 400 million more republicans are voting this year than in previous years.

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