Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Will Attack on Iran by Israel be the August Surprise?

Every August we have some major event that happens and so far so good. But there is a problem looming everyday as Iran gets closer and closer to starting a nuclear reactor. Their goal is Aug. 21st. With Russia aiding them they say they will implant the rods in the nuclear reactor, they will not stop until this is done. Once the rods are in place an attack would cause the risk of spreading radiation and entering the waters of the Persian Gulf.
Pres. Obama is trying to get Russia not to deliver the rods. Russia says it will not stop until the rods are delivered and start this reactor this summer.  The rods may be used later by the Iranians to make nuclear weapons.
It is on the front of Israeli newspapers that they have plans to attack before Aug.21st., before rods are in place.
Israel has attacked before, Saddam Hussein, Osirah reactor outside of Baghdad and an reactor being built in  Syria in 2007.  The attacks were made before the completion of reactors.
After the reactor is functioning, then they can begin producing plutonium which is used for nuclear weapons. This has been a ten year battle with Iran and it does not help that the Russians are aiding them.
The next 4 days are crucial if President Obama can persuade them not to attack. Israeli Primeminister Netanyahu has a hard choice before him. The President is trying to encourage the Russians to take the rods back once they are in place. But will Israel believe them that they are still not in Iran.

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