Friday, July 16, 2010

Finance Reform Another Boondoggle of a Bill

While we are enjoying summer and playing President Obama is taking advantage to pass more of his massive, overtaking our country, bills under our noses.  This massive 2,300 page bill is supposed to stop what happened two years ago when Sen.  Barny Frank and Sen. Chris Dodd nearly crashed our economy and then turned around and blamed it on President Bush and the republicans. Now the very  ones who almost destroyed our economy have been put in control of writing a bill to fix the problem.??? And the lies just keep a coming.This boondoggle of a bill is to recreate faith in the faltering financial crises we are trying to face on our own. And so far the federal government has done next to nothing to help our tumbling economy. The only thing holding this country together, the hard working American people and their inventiveness to save their business's. Virtually the government has done little to give support, and this bill will do little else to help us.
And the two who caused this problem and their faltering companies Fanny Mae and Freddi Mac aren't even in the bill. We need another bill coming down the pike to fix  that. ???
Three republicans who broke rank and voted for the bill, well  you can guess who. Scott brown, Obama's newest friend. Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins.
Actually the bill fails to really fix he problem in Wall Street and once again leaves it in the hands of the federal regulators  who bungled the problem in the first place.
The Republicans say it only makes government bigger and more intrusive into our financial concerns. It also fails to stop the bailouts with our hard earned tax payer money.
It will make credit harder to get, especially for small business's, provide 10,000 new rules on business's. and nearly halt the already nonexistent job creation.
It is really another political move on the part of the President to give the appearance that he is doing something about Wall Street.
The scary part the new Federal Insurance Office will be capable of seizing any business that is failing. Is this constitutional is my main question?
Republicans vow to repeal the bill. More government control over business's will only stifle growth, and lessen incentive for business's to create growth. You can't choke the neck of a business and then expect that business to grow. Business's need to be free to develope new ways to grow. Massive rules to tell them what they can  and cannot do will not help new business's.
This will destroy free thought and ideas. Big brother is getting to big. Regulations can be put in place to correct the problems that started the melt down in the first place. We do not need massive oversight of our business's. Like the mother who is too strict, the children suffer growth and free thinking is stymied. Get off our back's big government and leave us to grow our own business's.

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