Wednesday, July 21, 2010

How Kagan Can be Derailed-Important Please Read and Write a Letter

Mathew Staver, Founder of Chairman of Liberty Councel,
I am convinced that Elana Kagan would do irreparable damage to the pro-family-pro-life and pro-faith movement if she is confirmed to the supreme court. Therefore I have decided to do something we have never done before. Please read my message below- Mat.
As you probably know, the senate Judiciary committee voted today to approve Elena Kagan-the first of three key votes.
I cannot fathom what the senators who voted in favor of Kagan were thinking -especially Sen. Lindsay Graham. The vote in the Judiciary Committee was as expected,  largely along party lines with only Graham breaking ranks.
A recent poll shows that support for Kagan is well under 50%, the lowest of any supreme court nominee in recent history.
So once again, our elected officials are turning a deaf ear to the will of the American people.
The next thresholds Kagan will face are the two senate floor votes, probably in the next 10days. Now, every Senator must go on record-and 60 votes are needed for conformation. In an election year with many Senators facing rough races, this is our best opportunity to make our voices heard and stop this nomination.
The national Rifle Organization, due to Kagans weak claims that she would honor the second amendment, is going to "score" the senate vote on her confirmation. That is putting great pressure on Senator's in this election year.
We are doing something we have never done before.
In order to make the strongest statement possible, we intend to flood Senate offices with massive grassroots letter writing campaign-thousands of thousands of personalized letters expressing citizen opposition to Kagan's confirmation.
Getting it done is a daunting challenge. It has been our experience that the Pelosi-Reid congress is making it more and more difficult to ge the mail to the congressional office buildings.
Letters are often delayed by the Capital Hill post office. That is why we have organized a Hand Delivery system to get you letter delivered immediately, by passing a the congressional post office entirely. And by sharing the cost of courier delivery with thousands of like minded citizens, delivering your letter becomes affordable.
Personal letters can be delivered to your senators by hand to Capital Hill.
The schedule of the cloture vote on Kagan is currently unknown. Our source's say it will likely happen within a week. That leaves very little time to impact the full senate, but it can be done if we act quickly. Go here to help launch this huge letter writing campaign to all 100 senators
There is a reasonable chance that 41 senators will stand strong and refuse to allow Obama's legal clone to be rushed through to the Supreme Court for life.
You can choose how many senators to which you want your message Hand Delivered.
Here are some reasons why this Hand Delivered letter is important.
Kagan pro-homosexual agenda is to convert law to recognize homosexuality and transgender as being "civil rights."
Informally calling it a "Queen Law" curriculum, Kagan recruited William Rebenstein, a former ACLU lawyer and ACT-UP activist, to instruct the students on "Queer "legal theories," including the advancement of sodomy and polygamy to legal and social acceptability.
Together, Kagan and Rebenstein recruited Harvard Students to get involved in homosexual activist legal work to impose these "civil rights" changes on American Law.
Also as part of her pro-homosexual activism-Kagan supported repeal of Don't Ask' Don' Tell policy. Banning recruiters from Harvard Law School campus.
Kagan was a catalyst in Harvard University accepting 20 million dollars from a Member of the Saudi royal Family to establish a "center for Islamic Studies" and to push Shariah Law.
Senator Jeff Sessions took note of this double standard by saying "she was  perfectly willing to obstruct the military, which liberated countless Muslims from the hate and tyranny of Saddam Hussein and the Taliban, but it seems she was willing to sit at the sidelines as Harvard created a center funded by and dedicated to foreign leaders presided over a  legal system that would violate what appears to be her pastimes." She encouraged Islamic "recruiters" of Harvard Law students to promote acceptance of Islamics Sharia Law in our culture.
If you prefer to send your own letters, check on this link.
Mathew Staver,  Founder and Chairman Liberty Councel

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