Monday, July 12, 2010

Greetings From Colorado

Greetings from Colorado. We've been here for six days now. We just returned from a reunion of my husbands Bible College at Glen Eyrie Castle. It was great and the castle was unbelievable. I have pictures but as usual I am having trouble uploading them. I am computer illiterate. My son gave me a book Computers for Seniors because I am not to ask him any more questions. So I am on my own.  The book is not that helpful either. Anyway, we were there three days. We drove through Garden of the Gods and Manito  Springs. I am from here but I still like to see things again. Now we are back in Westminster and have a full schedule with everyone wanting to see us again. We brought the rain from Chicago here with us.
Well, our friends here are as unhappy with this current President as they are in Chicago. And we had no TV at Glen Eyrie because it is run by the Navigators and they wanted us to retreat from the world. It was great and I have decided to turn off my TV more, and do more reading and other things.
I see the President is in full swing against Arizona and Eric Holder said he is planning on a SECOND law suit against Arizona. Holder also blames the confusion in congress on why he cant decide were to hold the terrorist trials. Does anyone in the white house ever make a decision? And when they do make one why is it usually is the wrong decision?
This war against Arizona  is not helping his poll ratings either as a Gallup poll on July 7th showed only a 38% approval rating amongst independents on his job performance. This with 81% of democrats and 12% of republicans, gives him an overall 46% approval rating.
He is not doing well with the Hispanics either who in 2008 had a 67% approval rating to 55% now.  Obama's main concern he cannot win without the independent vote in 2012. But  he continues to make the independents angrier and angrier.
Gibbs said on NBC'S Meet the Press[meet the depressed] that they could quite possibly loose the House in November. He also said  "the president is going to lay out a choice: look back where we came from and look forward to where we are going." He continued "There is no doubt we are on  the right path." ???
Gibbs continued on with the rhetoric that Bush got us into this mess and the president has things on the upswing. ???
Afghanistan is not going well either, not to mention the oil spill. Probably Bush's fault also.
No one really takes responsibility for anything,  it's always somebodies else's fault. And decisions continue to be made in the wrong direction.


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