Saturday, July 31, 2010

This is How Reid Plays Hardball Vote Coming for Elena Kagan

Here it goes again folks. Harry Reid is scheduling a last minute vote on Elana Kagan for the later part of next week-just before the Senate's month long recess. Kagan may well be the modern "poster child" for  progressive legal activists impacting American law. Our burgeoning caseload is full of attacks on liberty, life, and family by radical activists who share her ideology. See my important message below-Mat
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid is playing political hardball again by scheduling a last minute vote on Elena Kagan next week, forcing either limited debate- or delaying the Senate's recess.
As Senator Dick Durban said, " Adjournment is a powerful force." Reid has employed this underhanded method several controversial votes in the past.
Elena Kagan's vote should not be rubber stamped by limiting debate!! If confirmed, Kagan progressive activism will impact the Supreme Court for decades, just as she has already affected two major law schools, the Clinton administration and the office of the Solicitor General.
We believe that Elena Kagan is a dangerous radical activist whose ideologies run counter to virtually everything we hole dear as advocates of pro-family, pro-life, and pro faith values.
But our opposition to Elana Kagan's is not limited to the current battle over her appointment to the Supreme Court...
Kaganites aggressively subvert America's foundations
Our litigation team has encountered Kagan's former students and colleagues, many of whom work for the ACLU and other leftist organisations. I frequently come face to face with radicals like Elena Kagan in courtrooms and in the media.
We have learned over the years that activists with Kagan's ideology fully intend to destroy the foundations of America's faith, family, and freedom.
Please help support Liberty Counsel.
This is in support of Matt Staver, Founder and Chairman of Liberty Counsel. He has put on a strong fight to keep Elena Kagan off the Supreme Court. My main problem with her Shariah Law. Harvard took $20,000,000 dollars from the Saudi's and she used it to start a study for Harvard Students teaching them to accept Sharia.h Law. She will fight hard on the court for acceptance of this law in our country. She is a secular socialist elitist. If our country accepts this as a law in our country it will harm us and tear down our law system as it stands now. Shariah law is painful execution. An example is before us in the woman in Iran, who the Iranians now say she will not be stoned but executed for committing adultery.
There is still time to call your Representatives and Senators to tell them no to Elena Kagan.

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