Thursday, July 29, 2010

The Lord Will Bless His People With Strength Psalm 29:11

This month I have been using verses about the word peace. We often think peace is a picture of someone running through a field of flowers on a beautiful day. That is a lovely thought but how many people have time to lope through a field of wild flowers? It isn't realistic is it? Especially with today's hectic pace. But in Sunday School many years ago I had a teacher named Mr. Fischer. I don't know where he is today.     When we go to
Denver I often ask about him, but no one knows where he is. I was in fifth grade and he taught me many things. But on one Sunday he brought a picture to class. He asked us what we thought peace was? And we gave answers like to end the war. That was the Vietnam War. Another said if his parents would quit fighting. Then Mr. Fischer said those were really good answers but they really didn't fully explain peace. Real  peace is when everything around us seems crazy, out of sink, and like there is no answers to anything. Kind of what we are going through right now. And then Mr. Fischer showed us the picture he had brought. It was the picture of a waterfall and there was rough water splashing all around and rain coming down, and the wind blowing. He said "does this look like peace?" We all said, "No." He said to look closer at the picture. When you looked closer you could see two doves inside the waterfall. A little ledge over them and they were huddled inside this little cavern in the middle of the waterfall, safe and sound. He said everything around them is thrashing around but these to little doves are huddled together and actually sleeping. Mr. Fischer said, this is true peace.  The water is thrashing around them and yet they are safe, safe and secure in the Father's hands. The name of the picture simply "Peace." Everything is falling around us, twisting, and twirling around and yet we are save in His hands. The Bible says he even knows how many hairs are on our head. He knows when a sparrow falls. He will let nothing harm us or hurt us and we can have complete peace under his protection. Can you put yourself in this picture? With everything turning and twisting around you and have the real peace of God in your heart? Numbers 4:26 "the Lord give thee Peace." Can you rest and trust in him today to give you the peace you so greatly need? He is only a prayer away. Ask and you shall receive His Peace. "The Lord will give strength unto his people, the Lord will bless his people with peace." Psalm 29:11

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