Thursday, July 8, 2010

President Suing Arizona Backfiring on Him

This is the worst  kind of politics raising the hopes of Latinos that the Pres. is going to pass a bill that leads to amnesty. These Hispanics are looking up to him. Can you imagine the emotion these people are going through? Thinking that they could be uprooted and then being given false hope that everything is going to be OK. All because this President realizes he is failing in the polls. Recent poll shows he is loosing support  of Hispanics by 13%. Presidents response sue Arizona. He is playing a pretty serious game that could and probably is backfiring on him.
Interesting in flying here yesterday I brought Karl Rove's book "Courage and Consequences" to finally get it finished. I read it on the plane. And here on Page 469, I was caught off guard with Karl's words" Many Democrats refused to deny any welfare benefits to illegal aliens." But here is the clincher. "They also opposed any guest worker program-but rather than kill it outright, they wanted to make it impossible to operate." He continues, "So organized labor got Reid to allow votes on an amendment that would limit the side of any quest worker program[rather than making the size depend on the number of available jobs] and end it in five years[which meant fewer companies would participate.].  One of the senators that voted in favor of labor, Illinois freshman senator Barack Obama.
If you get my drift here he used the worker quest program to vote against Pres. Bush's immigration bill. Now in order to get the Hispanic voters he literally reverses his belief and is wanting to make a huge renewal call for massive numbers of worker permits[for worker quest programs.]
Clearly you must see the hypocrisy of what he is doing. But in his move to sue Arizona a huge amount of independents are rising up in anger.  One thing they do not want, illegals working here, many of whom, pay no taxes.  Pres. Obama has made another huge mistake. Arizona is gaining rapid support.
Why? No one likes a bully. Especially coming from the President and of course the unpopular Federal Government. He has taken a huge gamble to try to keep these voters and it is backfiring in his face.

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