Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Wiki Leaks Down Played by Obama Administration

While is seems true that not much was released that was of great concern, the fact that it happened is much concerning. These were reports of things happening in the war being passed up the chain of command. It is also interesting that the years 2004-2009 were chosen. And because we do not have all the documents that were past we have no way of knowing what else was happening, but what was released showed a less than favorable light on President Bush. It either was leaked to look that way, or else we don't see the other side of the story.  We already know many things were said and done to make Bush look bad. So it it hard to tell the truth. If fact so many lies were told about Bush that the lies were told so much the lies became truth. I asked my husband the other day, since his knowledge of words is far greater than mine. Is there a name for this, when lies become the truth? He does not know of a word for that. But this could have been leaked to make Bush look bad. But greater than that this could have been done to show the need to leave Afghanistan. It also shows the problems with Pakistan which has been going on for a long time. But if the Pakistanies are not in this to win they certainly have lost a lot of people fighting this cause. Gen. Mattis said the leaks were more harmful in our co-ordination with our allies. He was appalled a the release which showed gross irresponsibility.
Gibbs and the President are trying very hard to play this down. But, as we have come to know the Obama Administration, no one really ever becomes responsible. But they have read the 91,000 pages? They didn't have time to read Obamacare, and no one really knows what is in the new Finance Bill. But as Nancy put it, let's pass it and then we'll read it and fix the things that need to be fixed. This is the main problem I have with the Obama Administration, no one is responsible, there is no alarm button that goes off and says. Wow, we have a problem here, something needs to be done. Some one needs to be fired. Except to form a new commission. How many commissions have we started now? I've lost count. It just goes on and on. One person lamented the only secure place to work is in the White House, no one ever gets fired.

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