Thursday, July 1, 2010

Republicans Gave Kagan a Pass-I'm Disappointed

The only Republican who really challenged Elena Kagan was senator Jeff Sessions of Alabama. He challenged her over limits she imposed on military recruiters. This is a debate that is not going to end as it sticks in the craw of many Republicans because it was done at a time of war. In my opinion Republicans went soft on her. I think we the people could have done a better job. I personally had a list of questions that maybe one was asked. Very disappointing. For some reason even the Republicans think she is a moderate. Anything but,  she is just as radical as her friend Pres. Obama, and runs with the same group. I am thinking since so many people are expressing the same feeling as I, maybe each senator be required to have one question by the citizens. I mean, we pay the bills, and we were not very well represented yesterday. In fact that is my main complaint about this administration, when you have over 60% of the people not wanting health care reform, at least this kind of health care reform, and then push it through. That is not REPRESENTATIVE government. Not "we the people government." Even Clinton as liberal as he was understood the "will of the people." He also is starting to speak out against this President and endorsing Romanoff a canidate in Colo. I think he did not like being in the center of that possible quid pro quo that Rahm Emanuel got him into. Hillary is starting to speak out also. I don't think the Clintons are happy with him either.
Kagan also called the Supreme court upholding gun rights as "binding precedent." She said about abortion " the woman's life and the women's health have to be protected." You know it used to be the mother gave her life for the child, now the child gives it's life for the mother. We have a society that is very self oriented. I wonder of the 1.3 million abortions done here last year were the women actually fearful of loosing thier life or too ill to deliver? Evidently in America we have no laws to protect the unborn Americans. According to the Los Angeles Times "Kagan is not so-leftist liberal. Kagan is a radical leftist as will come to appear more and more as she sits on the Court. She is a strong activist with leanings toward Obama's agenda. They will  make a striking couple together. For me this is pretty scary. She is not the moderate the main media has painted her. With this nominee I am not a happycamper. Marna

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