Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Right Now I Am Pretty Discouraged

Well, I tried but these Senators had the same letter I sent out today. Which shows they really don't want to disclose the truth. They just want to let this one slide by. They like her jokes. Or whatever. But this judge will come back to bite them time after time. She is an activist, she thinks like Obama and she will turn the tied toward the left every time a case comes up. When her own won't even, I mean the Rabbi's, say they want nothing to do with her.
The one I am the most disappointed in Lindsey Grahm. I can't figure out which way he is going anymore. I once had respect for him but that is waining.  He is slipping and sliding all over the place.  There are still some who are holding on, but you wonder when they will turn. But for the most part the Republicans are still holding together and taking a firm stand. And thank God for that, this situation could be so much worse. It reminds me of the verse, "the god of this world has blinded the minds of them which believe not." {2 Corin.4:4}This is not speaking of the God up in heaven.  They are literally blind to the truth. The mainstream media is blindly following him. Like my mother used to say if someone told you to jump off the ledge would you follow them? I think all parents have used this saying, trying to teach us to think for ourselves. They are all blindly following him, and into the ditch. They can't see beyond their noses. They say to wait until the elections, I am weary now and  hope this will all just end. Seems like there would be some law that would kick in by now when a President fails this badly. He failed the gulf states. He has failed Arizona, with only 500 or more troops for the border.  He has failed to help create jobs.  He has failed in Afghanistan. If Bush had failed this bad you would have never heard the end of it. But they keep following him, and even defend him. It is crazy and I just don't know how it can get better right now.

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