Friday, June 25, 2010

Our Day Away, Kagan's Nomination and Shariah Law

My husband and I attended the national meeting of the GARBC yesterday in Woodfield, Ill. Actually the sessions went all week but we were, because of schedules, able to go only one day. People have asked me how can you take all that preaching. Well, to be honest with you sometimes I do need a break from it and absolutely insist we go somewhere and get away from it. However the last time we took a four day rest, we visited  a church who had been without a pastor and so they asked him to speak. So you see I never really never get away from it. However the meetings were spirited and there were some great speakers on the book of Daniel. To you that are not that well versed on that little book. It has quite a lot to say about present day condition's including Daniels's 70th week. Well, you'll have to get a book on that. I am not going to go into it. While I was there I was thirsty and I went to a little stand and they had a free copy of  the Wall Sreet Journal and I was able to read Karl Rove's opinion column and I was very encourage to read that things are looking good for the fall elections. Good, that is if you are a conservative. My husband laughed because he said even here I have to listen to you about politics. I also warned several pastor's about Kagan's nomination, but didn't really need to as they are very concerned about her too. Although I saw a report also yesterday of 42 to 35 percent against her. But, we have learned from this President he really doesn't care what the American people think.  Anyway, I hope this continues because this is a very liberal judge with pro Islamic ideas that she helped law students at Harvard to learn. Yes, she was Dean of Harvard Law School and during that time she banned the military recruiters from campus, but at the same time she was banning the military recruiters, Harvard received $20 million dollars from a member of the Saudi Royal Family to establish a center for Islamic Studies and SHARIAH Law. Kagan banned our military and then welcomed Islamic studies to promote Shariah law at Harvard. Can I be any clearer on her position towards radical Islamic's.  Here to make it even clearer Kagan personally officiated in 2003 to establish a project whose purpose was to promote Shariah-Compliant Finance 'SCF' by enlisting some of the nations most promising law students. This SCF is very significant because it has it's roots in something called The Muslim Brotherhood whose stated General Strategic Goal in North America is "a grand Jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western Civilization from within and 'sabotaging' it's miserable house by their hands and the hands of it's believers so that it is eliminated and God's religion is made victorious over all other religions." In other words we would be putting someone, or maybe even the enemy itself on our Supreme Court. I have so much more to share with you on this man we call our President.  The Urgent message call or, fax your, congressmen now and tell them NO to Elena Kagan.

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