Monday, June 21, 2010

Something is Terribly Wrong

Have you ever seen a time in our country's history when there have been so many lawsuits against the Federal Government, the President, and the Fed's suing against the states? What must the world think about us right now, the greatest country on the earth? What kind of example are we to the world for the name of democracy and trying to help other countries to form a democracy?  Does not all this tell you something is terribly wrong? I think this could be one of the lowest points in our country's history.
They say when you hit bottom the only way is up. I read the other day that the unemployment numbers would have been higher. But companies are down to where there is no one left to let go in order for the companies to keep functioning. They are operating on bare bone staffs.
The question is how do we climb out of this and which way is up? We now know that we can't spend our way out of this, even though the President insists it is the only way out, and is still working on spending bills. And there are still lawmakers who say it's the only way out. Spending our way out, only has dug us in a deeper hole. One thing is also missing, during the great depression FDR would rally the people with his famous fireside chats. The President being the great orator he is, I say that respectfully, used this to get himself elected. But were are the stirring messages to us now when we need them? Rallying us to conquer our problems and encouraging us to go on.  Not that I expect miracles from him, I never did. But where are the great speeches now when we really need them? Is not part of leadership to encourage the people? Not to turn around and sue the people. Something is terribly wrong. Is this leadership? To sue a state for making a law? A law that is basically a copy of the federal law that evidently is not being used to help solve this situation. Instead of saying the government has failed to apply the law and we are going to do everything we can do to enforce the law. The state of Arizona has not failed, the Federal government has failed us. The state of Arizona does not need this. Now people are actually sending Gov. Brewer money for the law suit. Could not this money be used towards border guards to try to stop what is happening. What I fear is the President is saying the federal government will solve your problems you don't need the states anymore.  I fear this is going to become a issue over Federal government battling states rights. If so we are in for a terrible battle and the states will win. Our forefather's had a lot of wisdom. We are the only democracy with independent self governing states. That is the strength of our country and why this democracy is so strong. And why other countries look to us. Does this battle not really drag us down more? Does it really solve the problem? I think the cry is we really need leadership. Someone who is willing to tackle problems and steer us out of this mess. Pres.Obama, where are those great words of encouragement?  Marna

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